I rode one of Lenzi's boats after a contest in Brazil a few years ago when he just finished these hulls. I was pretty impressed with it. Super small but very stable. Fun small wave boat.
Even though I was one of the fruity ballerinas that take their hand and feet off upside down, I've been fully entertained by all of this. And that is how it should be viewed...this stuff is for fun. And I don't mind a strong personality stating their opinion, it's certainly better than...
Great thread. I'll give a little of my input for what it is worth.
I like scuppers especially if you are riding hard, doing multiple flip, things like that in a row where it is important to get water out of the ski quickly. Would be nice to have it seal and not help sink the boat when it...
Glad to hear you guys are learning from it.
When I really got starte riding I can remember watching the freeride portions of the 02-03 motosurf videos literally hundreds of times. Then I just happend to be very fortunate where I lived (near Daytona at the time) to be able to ride with and...
Hey guys...has been pretty quite on my end since Blowsion released this, I thought putting this video together would be a good way to say thanks to a great community and some amazing sponsors that helped me have a really incredible few years. And I thought that hopefully it would help to get a...
This is a project that was a ton of fun to work on and was only realized through a tremendous effort by all involved. My goal in putting this project together was to create a fun, but really comprehensive DVD that not only teach the mechanics of the tricks that we do, but all aspects of...
Just a heads up, I had a meeting with Arno on Monday. HT is manufacturing Soft Deck for me.
Lead time on orders should now be 2 days before product ships. And although the office has been on a 4 day work week, shipping is usually in 5 days a week. This past week they also hired on a second...
Great job Nick! And awesome graphics packages on them. Excited to see what you do on em!
For those on here that don't know, Nick is one of the very most innovative freerideers I have ever seen. This guys for sure knows what he is doing.
At least here in the US for the volume that a product like this would potentially do, it could be sold as a "kit" like others have said. And the "kit" could then be assembled by who ever is producing them. I don't know exactly why that is acceptable, but it is.
I would have to pretty much agree 100%. This stupid arguing that is going on here is not adding anything positive at all. It is a shame because I thought this was a really good thread.
As for the pro rider comment from Mark...there are some guys out there who have really busted their...
This is basically the point I was trying to make...a package like this makes a great freeride boat, a pretty capable freestyle ski, and most importantly is a really great recreational package.
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