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  1. The Penguin

    New Update on Joe's condition????

    It's been a while since I've seen one.
  2. The Penguin


    good guy - part as advertised and shipped tiger fast! Grrr! :biggrin:
  3. The Penguin

    beach parking passes

    The infinite wisdom of Galveston County decided to implement a beach parking sticker required for every vehicle that parks on the beach. basically the rule states that if you are driving on the beach - you do not need the sticker. If you are parked on the beach (vehicles, golf carts & 4 wheel...
  4. The Penguin

    the FOOD thread!

    Hope ya'll like fajitas :biggrin: I've got about 20# of beef and 15# of chicken for fajitas on Saturday night.
  5. The Penguin

    using Aramid as reinforcing material?

    was looking around last night and found this: and this: look at the weight per sq. yd. compared to Texalium and regular glass!
  6. The Penguin

    Roll Call thread

    Who's gonna be there? 63Chevyll Allen AllStock & Jen ATS_Aaron (+ wife?) ATS_Scott Big Daddy Divine Bonzai Bob Braden' The Main Outlaw' Mattei BroncoKing & Emily Chad Christopher Christy chuckstyle concussiondustin (+?) Croy Dakine deeznutz46 Glory Freestyle JohnnyB jol102001 kaveman kawtipper...
  7. The Penguin

    Name that ride! (the poll)

    Name the TX ride! vote for your favorite. Poll closes on Sunday. I eliminated some of the goofy responses from the other thread. You can pick more than one. when the poll closes on Sunday - if there is a tie, or the votes are very close for 2 or more names - I'll do a run-off.
  8. The Penguin

    Name that ride!

    We've got Daytona Beach Moto/Surf, Mex Rager, Pismo Sandblast, Mex Rager and others - why not give the TX ride it's own unique name? Suggestions I've recieved so far (and a few of my own) Redneck Rager (skinnyman) Gulf Coast Roast (timbo512) Lone Star Jet Jam (timbo512) Tex Rager TX...
  9. The Penguin

    Getting to Crystal Beach

    From Houston (and points west): you can take your chances going through Galveston and riding the ferry - but the ferry service has started doing random vehicle searches (Homeland Security BS). If they find gas cans, you will have to empty them, then rinse and fill with I'd go...
  10. The Penguin

    Crystal Beach housing & rental info

    first off, visit - every rental company has a link there. my house is in the Bluewater subdivision - here are some others that are right nearby: Swede's Real Estate 1-800-624-0071 - ask for Kelly Comeaux and tell her you're with the Jet Ski...
  11. The Penguin

    need advice for flying in

    Jacksonville or Orlando? flying in Thursday morning, flying out on Sunday are there any car or limo services that runs to & from airport for a reasonable price so I don't have to rent a car?
  12. The Penguin

    Cutting up the sides on a square?

    am I nuts for considering this?
  13. The Penguin

    1995 Wet Jet Duo 300 Kraze

    anyone know anything about this thing? from what I can tell, it's a "Wet Jet by Mastercraft" - from it has a 75 HP engine in it. Is it a Yammy based motor? I can pick this thing up fairly cheap and part out (er....keep) the motor, pump and electrics for my square...but I...
  14. The Penguin

    Saturday dinner?

    I've got a gas grill, charcoal grill, smoker and turkey fryer. do we want to cook a big meal for dinner on Saturday night? I'd like to take the weekend off and just ride - but if everyone will pitch in and help prepare food, it won't be such a big burden on me and it's kinda tradition by now...
  15. The Penguin

    AC Racing web order

    Ordered a brand new water stand for the couch on Friday - in my order I asked for shipping date and tracking number and told them I wanted in time for the following weekend. Recieved confirmation email very quickly - email said to call to check order status and quantity on hand, so I did...
  16. The Penguin

    Hey Ronny - I found you a new camera! think they would take a 4-party, post-dated, out of state check? If so, I'll buy it for ya! :biggrin:
  17. The Penguin

    damn UMI steering nut

    nylock nut holding the whole damn thing together is stripped and just spins on the bolt how do I get it off?
  18. The Penguin

    a/m square hoods

    anything out there besides Blowsion's Moody Masher? anyone got a used a/m hood they want to sell? I know of one - but he ain't sellin it :wink:
  19. The Penguin

    September ride????

    Quick Mick and I was talking yesterday about a September ride? anyone want to get together...even if it's just "locals" ??
  20. The Penguin

    Tubbies, 1 or 2?

    I know I need 2 tubbies - but do I need 1's or 2's I think I'm gonna put tubbies on my square if I ever get around to building it. I was gonna do 1's but then someone says to me today that he thinks 2's are better in the surf opinions please!!
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