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  1. The Penguin

    it's hell to be poor

    check out the toy box on the last boat:
  2. The Penguin

    what to do with a couch...

    take the dog for a "walk" :biggrin: he didn't seem to like it too much - maybe if he gets used to it, I can try putting him in the tray of the SJ
  3. The Penguin

    sparks on my plug boots?

    I was riding this evening - and it was getting dark as I was flushing the ski. I was looking down at the plug boots and there are sparks dancing all over the place :bigeyes: is this normal? I have NGK boots on the plugs. Now, everything was still wet from the rinse-down - could that...
  4. The Penguin

    somebody hook me up

    I need a hook up or some hook up. I have a West Coast "open" intake grate on my ski. seems to me that I keep unhooking - and that is making it hard to ride. what should I get?
  5. The Penguin

    Galveston this weekend

    what are ya'll doing? I'll be at the beach Sat/Sun - might take the day off Monday, just depends on the weather.
  6. The Penguin

    SJBrit should buy this: :biggrin:
  7. The Penguin

    converting single 44's to duals?

    I've got 2 single 44's. I'm about to build a 701. is there a way to put the 2 single 44's together and use them? is it possible? or not worth the trouble?
  8. The Penguin

    Can't believe this hasn't been posted...

    Congratulations to Paul and Kathy!!!
  9. The Penguin

    Special Lanier Announcement!!!
  10. The Penguin

    anyone from MASS, RI, or NH going to Riot Ride?

    I need to get a handlepole up to Jakespeed in Carver, Mass - so if anyone from that area is going to Riot, please send me a PM if you can take an extra handlepole back with you. Thanks!
  11. The Penguin

    help me choose a carb

    here's what I'm putting together: 62T cases 61X cylinder with Magoo porting ADA/Magoo head Vforce reeds Riva pipe for now, but maybe a B-pipe with limited chanber I have a single stock 44 on a Westcoast manifold with a Riva spacer. Paul says not enough carb for my motor. The guy I bought...
  12. The Penguin

    holy retro graphics Batman!

    picked this guy up today - I'll be parting it out
  13. The Penguin

    chat bitchez!

    lets go!
  14. The Penguin

    date for next TX ride?

    the TX ride originally started out as a late summer/early fall event - last year we would have had both rides but due to that bitch Rita, we had to cancel the fall ride. so - I'm looking at the calender to see what date would be good for a fall ride here. after Labor Day, house rentals are...
  15. The Penguin

    Texas Ride Lost & Found

    If you are missing something or have something you know does not belong to you, please post it here Found: New York Yankees cap found in my house. Found: collapsable table found in the yellow house after dinner on Saturday. I don't know if it belongs in the house or not.
  16. The Penguin

    Special Annoucement For Texas Ride

    the Department of Transportation has decided to resurface the highway in Crystal Beach. I've heard the asphalt trucks are using the ferry, and that one of the ferry landings on the Crystal Beach side is under construction. I would highly suggest driving around Galveston bay through Winnie -...
  17. The Penguin

    help! stripped bolt.

    help! stripped bolt trying to put a riva pipe on my 90 SJ, and stripped one of the bolts going into the head. am I totally farked? or can I use a helicoil and fix it that way? BTW, will I need to re-jet or do anything with the carb when I get this thing in? I believe it's one of the old...
  18. The Penguin

    Beware of Charlie Patrick ~ "ultra150racer"

    sells on Ebay as ultra150racer used to use email address lives in Chicago, IL area. sold me a "new" crank last year it was not new won't return calls. he ended the ebay auction early (his decision, not mine) so no recourse with Ebay. I paid with MO...
  19. The Penguin

    mermaid on ski

    who has the mermaid on the bottom of their ski? I thought I saw it on an avatar a few days ago
  20. The Penguin


    would this be a good impeller for a square with no other mods? Solas YB-SC-B I can pick it up for $70 new.
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