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  1. slickrick22

    2018 Tigercraft M-1

    Lets see some progress pictures!!! What parts are you still waiting on?
  2. slickrick22

    Presque Isle Freeride July 12-15, 2018

    No camping!?!? :confused:
  3. slickrick22

    Presque Isle Freeride July 20-23, 2017

    When are the dates for next year!?!?!?!?
  4. slickrick22

    Sketchy riding Daytona 2018

    Dasa 1000 just picked the ski up off a buddy. Way to much engine for me in the surf right now but I can't wait to chase boats around with it all summer. Definitely a ski I can grow into, right now its power>skill but I'll be putting a lot of tray time this year to try and change that.
  5. slickrick22

    Sketchy riding Daytona 2018

    You bet!
  6. slickrick22

    Sketchy riding Daytona 2018

    Ended up doing way more wrenching than riding but managed to bang a few flips. Still getting used to the new ski. Excited for summer to come and can't wait for Daytona 2019! See ya next year!!
  7. slickrick22

    MTB Edit

    Edit my buddy made playing around with cable cams and drones. Only had one day to get all the shots. These are public trails we have been working on over summer.
  8. slickrick22

    A/m tanks

  9. slickrick22

    Neoprene Foam Sheets

    Is there a difference between closed cell foam rubber and neoprene sheets? Looking to turf a few skis and trying to find the 26mm plush padding in larger quantity. Found that and wondering if it is the same product and what density I...
  10. slickrick22

    Powder Coating

    Could you elaborate on how this would improve performance?
  11. slickrick22

    Freestyle Freestate on the narrows.

    that ride spot looks sick! Nice and flat just waiting for the boats to start to plow.
  12. slickrick22

    Tom Aiken Rider Vid

    Thank you coming through with this video. Thought this might be another blunder jet troll. So worth the wait sick riding and filming!
  13. slickrick22

    First MTB Backflip to Dirt

    He said he used a Sony a6300 with a flycam5000. Don't know what it means I just ride:)
  14. slickrick22

    First MTB Backflip to Dirt

    First ever flip attempt on a bike to dirt for me. Had alot of things going against me. Cold, rain, wrong bike, jump needed work but I still went for it. Nice edit my buddy put together for me at the end of the season on un raked trails. I will say that coming up short on a jetski is much more...
  15. slickrick22

    Post pics of your ski......

    Post some engine pics! I want a 550sx surf worthy ski with a 701 so bad.
  16. slickrick22

    Best way to ship/insure a stand up ski?

    Found a company but they will only insure 2 per pound. Ski is coming from Missouri to New York.
  17. slickrick22

    Freestyle Nashville Crew - General Jackson Jumping

    Nice flips what's the set up on those skis and glass or carbon? I need that height lol
  18. slickrick22

    84mm bore on 61x top end???

    So I can't put my ada head back on this top end if I bore it out to 84mm?
  19. slickrick22

    84mm bore on 61x top end???

    Have a 61x topend ported and bored to 83mm. Have light rub on one of the side walls of the cylinder. I was told I may be able to bore it to 84mm. Is this an acceptable size to go?? I've heard mixed answers to this.
  20. slickrick22


    I would like to know this as well found very little information about them.
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