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  1. jetskidude1113

    Team X Scream

    I have to say.. Rick is the coolest guy to deal with. I snap my older generation XMetal non adjustable handlepole and Rick was nice enough to do a swap with their new adjustable pole with minimal amount of my out of pocket money. He also supply me with necessary parts to mount my old turnplate...
  2. jetskidude1113

    RC jet boat

    planes are hard. My son tries to teach me with a buddy box setup, it's hard. unlike cars and boats, you can't stop and have to plan way ahead.
  3. jetskidude1113

    RC jet boat

    Here's my toy boat.
  4. jetskidude1113

    What's every one wearing for helmets

    did you select a size? maybe you have to setup a profile first. I don't know, just tried it and it works for me.
  5. jetskidude1113

    What's every one wearing for helmets

    this is what I got, price is right and very lite. I also to have a Lazer helmet made for water with close cell padding but it's kind of beat up and old.
  6. jetskidude1113

    SXR Wet Pipe Blown Coupler Question

    totally forgot about that one..
  7. jetskidude1113

    SXR Wet Pipe Blown Coupler Question

    more water=better bottom end, less water=better top end. to a point of course!!! untill you melt your!! guess that's why the freeride/freestyle riders don't melt their couplers often. and go get your self some heat insulation sheets and stick it on the pipe where it sometimes touches...
  8. jetskidude1113

    SXR Wet Pipe Blown Coupler Question

    1, they do wear from heat and vibrations. 2, make sure your head pipe and expansion chamber are as close as possible, less coupler exposure to the exhaust. 3, I use to sell the orange HD coupler on this and PWCToday site but I can't get them anymore. they were for HD Industreal Diesel...
  9. jetskidude1113

    SXR x-metal handpole install tips

    no tip, just pictures of mine. just picked up the ski a week ago and it came with it.
  10. jetskidude1113

    SXR Tell me the truth about SXRs

    talking about squirrely going straight... have you try a 08 and up SJ? they are the worst. but they corner excellent like a SXR. To me they are almost like a snowboard.. need to be on edge and turning on all time.
  11. jetskidude1113

    SX/SXi/SXi Pro stock 750SXIPro throttle response

    I just bought a completely stock SXIPro. It runs great except that I notice when you grab a hand full of throttle, the throttle response from idle to wild open is not snappy. sometimes even bogs a little then kicks in, almost seems like it's running lean on the low. My question is.. are they...
  12. jetskidude1113

    08 Superjet Handpole and steering ??

    08 pole is aready 2" shorter the pre 08
  13. jetskidude1113

    09 Superjet $500 price increase..

    WOW..09 superjet exactly the same as a 08 but with a $500 increase in price $7,199.00 good thing I bought mine when I did.
  14. jetskidude1113

    jetx great seller

    got the part fast and great condition.
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