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  1. botizzle

    Mcdog = Great Seller

    X2!! Great communication and super fast shipping!
  2. botizzle

    Congratulations Michael Ratti

    Ratti Rocks! :notworthy:
  3. botizzle

    New Waterdawg 66e Dry pipe!

    Bitchin machine work!
  4. botizzle

    Hey man, Sorry have not been on here this weekend...Girly was in town, we just hung around and...

    Hey man, Sorry have not been on here this weekend...Girly was in town, we just hung around and went swimming, never got on the ski. Rode the black ski today after work though...I hate not having any footholds...might hafta change that real soon....still thinking about that b-pipe, gotta find...
  5. botizzle

    Cheapest place for a coil

    Just something to think about, Water in the gas feels like an ignition problem..Happened to me a few times, Its always the first thing I check.
  6. botizzle

    Can you spot the RN with a lowered hood and a Lamey in the pic?

    Dang! You beat me to it, I was planning on doing that to mine...looks good
  7. botizzle

    Blowsion Hood Hook issue

    I dont think it is a blowsion thing or a WDK thing, Its just the way things are. Every ski, hood combo, latch, whatever,..all vary. You can't have something cnc machined to fit things that are all different. Just doesnt work that way. Very little is out of the box and go. Remember most of these...
  8. botizzle

    8 new/changed-up T shirt designs!

    The Vintage rocks... nice work Ronny X2 for barrelrolls for boobies!
  9. botizzle

    WOW!! a sick custom surf ski

    More like a love seat..... I dont know if I would ever want one, but it is nice to see something different.
  10. botizzle

    Lake Norman Ride-May 17-18

    A few of us rode a Stutts Marina, the wind was kicking up some little stuff for us to play on. Thanks to the couple from TN that helped me load my ski in my truck. Jessica? I think her name was...3rd time on a stand up, out there ripping up the chop. Impressive!
  11. botizzle

    Lake Norman Ride-May 17-18

    Agreed, but you had to have been there...the entire area was no wake, no joke. It had to have been, I dunno 2 or 3miles before you got to open area, seemed like forever and set of fouled plugs later. It was a nice place to have the event otherwise, I really give BROSS a ton of props for his...
  12. botizzle

    My 97 SJ Motor build 85mm Flat Top*Done and Runs!!!*

    Working on it, still house hunting and trying to sell the one in GA.....I keep a ski up here, I'm ready to ride anytime
  13. botizzle

    Hey Barb, I got your domes on order, I'll send them out to ya as soon as I get them. Thanks...

    Hey Barb, I got your domes on order, I'll send them out to ya as soon as I get them. Thanks again for helping me out.
  14. botizzle

    Yo Yo Yo what up fool!

    Yo Yo Yo what up fool!
  15. botizzle

    Wassup Toby! Yeah OB was great, I wish I could been there the prior weekend too and rode with...

    Wassup Toby! Yeah OB was great, I wish I could been there the prior weekend too and rode with ya. I'll prolly hit you up in a bit about some footholds. See ya
  16. botizzle

    My 97 SJ Motor build 85mm Flat Top*Done and Runs!!!*

    Awesome build up BROSS, perfection all the way. I'm gonna have to stop the shop to check it out!!
  17. botizzle

    standupjetski_com Thank you

    As did I, Thank you! A++
  18. botizzle

    aqua high torque starters

    Not me.....plenty of water in Lake Norman
  19. botizzle

    aqua high torque starters

    On my 3rd season with my MES starter spinning 220psi...I'll let you know when it craps out
  20. botizzle

    Orange Beach Snap Shots March 16th

    I'm so jealous...I wish I could've made it down there :thumbsdown:
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