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  1. ho11stien

    Magnum Pumps 4 Sport???

    Good info on plates to use,but i find the plate i have on pretty good i was asking about what type of grate you lot use,i see scottie mac says worx anyone else use this or what sort do you others use?
  2. ho11stien

    Magnum Pumps 4 Sport???

    Racing a B1 in the British Winter Series and read this with interest,another question for you all,whats the best grate to use for better hook up in the chop?
  3. ho11stien

    Argh stripped shaft

    :frown:Mmmm that happened to me not so long ago shepster,going round a bouy and whiiiiiiing loads a revs an no go,if you know of anyone that can friction weld get an superjet shaft and let them chop it down and do it,it worked out pounds cheaper then taking it to the local ski god.check splines...
  4. ho11stien

    New SXR....

    1200 Blaster........biggthumpup:Was it B1? any chance of seeing some pics?a few of us across here are blaster mad and always looking for new ideas
  5. ho11stien

    What mods can you see?? My new RN

    nice looking machine torqen might be worth putting a coupler cover on though dont want any water that may get in splashing up and into the carbs
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