Its a sand 'boat' ramp, we use beach carts on it. Alley 3,-80.8537449,3a,75y,223.8h,73.4t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1syxe23EPPusIv5uk51A1HBQ!2e0!7i3328!8i1664
Fricking idiots, hopefully they do not reproduce. Anyone who donates needs to be slapped.
Lol @ their quote at the end: “You only have one life. Why spend it doing what you don’t love. Money isn’t everything!"
It should say money isn't everything, especially when you're spending other...
Some of those tiny backflip skis suck in the surf unless you have surf specific mods - a huge rideplate, a front hold cut into the firewall, pole spring & longer pole.
Pretty sure I'd just have an SXR and a set of bouys if I lived inland. :)
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I love the build threads involving reshaping /remaking a hull.
But, why do people who live nowhere near the ocean do the rockered nose? Maybe it helps to ride down a steeper wave without pearling, but why for lake riding? It's alot of extra work for little return it seems.
Credit matters in all aspects of your life. Who wants to marry someone who couldn't even get financing on a $1000 loan?
You'll pay more for insurance on your auto, home, boat, etc with crappy credit. You'll get much worse rates on any type of loan. etc etc
If you can't have fun without spending...
Do people still say "shutup and get a Superjet?", cause it applies here. :)
Do you want to RIDE it, or BOB around on it? A tubbied hull that's about 3 inches shorter than a std SJ is STILL a nice surf ride.
lol at 'attacked'. Like being 'attached' by a dairy cow or a sloth.
Those things are BIG though! I'd be freaked out if one snuck up on me when swimming
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