07 lanier.... The Ride!

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615 Freeriders are addicted to T1 madness.
you can do a lot more than me... I am like a fish out of water

Now you know the frustration we live with in flatwater country bro.. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: Our only relief is a weekly riverboat, but at least you know its 4' waves for 2.5 to 3hrs. and if a few big arse cruisers come by, its like the gods smiled upon us that day.
I am sure we look like fish out of water to you when we come ride surf with you HUH.
First it was Kristen (Ms Florida), then Jamie (playmate), now CJ and Steph. My wife is handling the photo shoot day trips to islands on yachts OK so far. I'm not sure she'll understand CJ, Steph and I in a tent in GA. Furthermore, CJ and Steph don't seem much like campers. I'm afraid we would have to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta.


First it was Kristen (Ms Florida), then Jamie (playmate), now CJ and Steph. My wife is handling the photo shoot day trips to islands on yachts OK so far. I'm not sure she'll understand CJ, Steph and I in a tent in GA. Furthermore, CJ and Steph don't seem much like campers. I'm afraid we would have to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta.

I know where I'm going.... :bigeyes:

:biggrin: :purr:


Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
First it was Kristen (Ms Florida), then Jamie (playmate), now CJ and Steph. My wife is handling the photo shoot day trips to islands on yachts OK so far. I'm not sure she'll understand CJ, Steph and I in a tent in GA. Furthermore, CJ and Steph don't seem much like campers. I'm afraid we would have to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta.

Houseboat!!! Seriously - they're awesome, and we need somewhere to keep the booze :biggthumpup: (and swimsuit models....)


Why Me?
The Atl
First it was Kristen (Ms Florida), then Jamie (playmate), now CJ and Steph. My wife is handling the photo shoot day trips to islands on yachts OK so far. I'm not sure she'll understand CJ, Steph and I in a tent in GA. Furthermore, CJ and Steph don't seem much like campers. I'm afraid we would have to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta.

The Ritz is over-rated..It is only 3 stars...You want 4 stars then you got to go with The Intercontinetal Hotel in Buckhead....LOL!!!


drillin like a villian
hopefully it doenst end up being memorial day weekend (the weekend of the 26th), i just got news its my uncles wedding.

What is it with weddings in May?? My sister planned her's for the 19th :banghead:

Dont these people check the X-h20 freeride schedule before they plan this stuff?!?
I don't understand what you guys are talking about wedding planns and such....your big boys you can make decisions by yourself there is no reason that you have to be there.... it's not your funeral... oops.. I mean wedding:biggrin:
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