07 lanier.... The Ride!

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if it were somone else i would definetly miss it but my uncle is cool, i think he may be buyingme an advent ignition so i gotta stay on his good side haha. but who knows maybe the dates wont overlap each other.


lone wolf
First it was Kristen (Ms Florida), then Jamie (playmate), now CJ and Steph. My wife is handling the photo shoot day trips to islands on yachts OK so far. I'm not sure she'll understand CJ, Steph and I in a tent in GA. Furthermore, CJ and Steph don't seem much like campers. I'm afraid we would have to stay at the Ritz-Carlton in Atlanta.

well greg if you cant make it i understand.in fact ill even cover for ya.just let me know which campsite is ours and ill bring the marshmallows:biggthumpup:
Launching from most campsites will be tough, however there is a boat ramp right at the entrance of the campground but not inside the campground. This is great because people who aren't camping can still launch and be right there with everyone! There are lots of little coves for glassy flat water and a main channel right there for the big cruiser wakes. This place is as close to perfect as I can imagine.

why is the ride being moved? just seeems like bigger boats stay closer to south side of lake.which is why we ride jetski cove.. just my 2 cents
more space for more people

the problem with the county its in is .kinda poor and ran down. the reason people keep the big boats at baldridge is because its on the south side of the lake close to the city. no one drives to gainsville to drive big boats. you could have the ride at alatoona if your not worried about getting to catch the boats trying to plaine out comming out of baldridge.


relapsing parts whore
i' have to agree with 2nd nature.there are economical and geografical advantages to the bald ridge/jetski cove area.exit 14 on 400 is the south western most tip of lake lanier making it the closest place on the lake to atlanta to put a marina.convenience is priceless,hence the greater size and frequency of the 400k cruisers coming in and out of that marina.the advantage of jet ski cove and bald ridge campground is that they are right on top of this marina, and being the "bottom" of the lake.every boat that goes in or out must go between these two locations.i'm not saying that you wont see any big boats in gainesville,but they probably wont line up in a single file line for you all day long like they do down at bald ridge.why change it?will the campground not let you do it there?if thats the case ,i think we should all get together and rent it anyway!it'll just be a coincidence that 200 jetskis show up that particular weekend.that area is like a freshwater wavemachine from sun up to sundown and its so much more "worse" than normal,because of the sheer number of big blingin a55 cabincruisers all condensed in that particular area.the money is on the side of the lake closest to the city,so thats where you find the BIG ones.i realise that flat water is cool too,but you can get that there too.not to bash ,but being a local you'd be hard pressed to get me NOT to go to baldridge on any weekend that weather permits.
Baldridge is the perfect spot for every reason you said Jacob.
The problem is, we have been told we wont be welcome at Baldridge campground this year.
Apparently they actually had a meeting about the ride, knowing it was coming up again soon. We dont want to just have it there anyway by filling up the campground, because they can shut the whole thing down and ruin a great weekend for riders, and the charity.
We need to cooperate with them to make sure everything goes smooth and everyones happy. Paul is meeting with the powers that be soon. Stay tuned! :biggrin:

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Ronny is spot on........ we can show up, they can kick us out.......they can have have DNR waiting at the water to tell us to leave......... It is one thing to just have a few peeps (40 or so) to show up at Jet Ski Cove, it is another for 100+ to show up at the campground............ Got to remember, we do not want to piss off the Corps fo Engineers, DNR, Sheriff's Dept, etc..........

Baldridge is the best area, but when we are not welcome, then we need to find somewhere else......


Power In The Hands Of Few
Cullman AL
I wanna take a second to say THANK YOU ALL for the hard work/planning you guys are putting into the ride this year!!!!!! I now personnally know how hard it is trying to organize a ride and not make anyone mad-and the Smith Lake 06 ride was a little dinky ride in comparison.

AGAIN-THANK YOU PAUL, RONNY, HARRISON, AND ALL INVOLVED THAT I DO NOT KNOW ARE INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


relapsing parts whore
if the event is not welcome there ,then why not try and get a group rate at the marriot at lake lanier islands? if theres enough of us,we could have the whole hotel.they got a bar and a pool right on the water and theres a store on the water that sells gas.-just an idea. i'll look forward to the ride where ever it is.


Why Me?
The Atl
if the event is not welcome there ,then why not try and get a group rate at the marriot at lake lanier islands? if theres enough of us,we could have the whole hotel.they got a bar and a pool right on the water and theres a store on the water that sells gas.-just an idea. i'll look forward to the ride where ever it is.

As far as the Islands go, there isnt a convient place to launch or keep the skis when not riding..No PWC on the beach...
Is this whole lake controlled by the Corps?? If so then how is moving to a different spot going to help. If not then great but I thought the problems was with drinking and being loud after lights out (9:30)

Is the new place a dry camp ground is beddy by time at 9:30

What about a new lake? Is Lanier that great? I don't want to sound like a smart ass because I am not trying to be that way just have some legit questions


So long and thanks for all the fish
Is this whole lake controlled by the Corps?? If so then how is moving to a different spot going to help. If not then great but I thought the problems was with drinking and being loud after lights out (9:30)

Is the new place a dry camp ground is beddy by time at 9:30

What about a new lake? Is Lanier that great? I don't want to sound like a smart ass because I am not trying to be that way just have some legit questions

They said we were too big for Bald Ridge and wanted us at a campground a little further from Atlanta as some of those are bigger and less busy.

There is no new place right now, nothing is settled.


Katie's Boss
100% one place
It will be nice to get out of the Baldridge Nazi camp and to another location so we don’t get told to keep it quiet at 9:30 pm and have our camp searched.

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