1 gal freestyle tank.


Rick James Edition
Music City, TN
Here is a pic of a 1 gal tank I just recieved in the mail. It's nice to get something via postal service other than a bill.
New parts make me happy...:arms:
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WFO Speedracer

A lifetime ban is like a lifetime warranty !
Yep that what i am using in my 300 js shorty project boat,I cut about a foot and a half out of it and put it back together.
Thats a pretty cool tank, but I just don't see the point of them. I know you are trying to save weight, but why don't you just put 1 gal in the stock tank?

Please let me know the other advantages of these small tanks. I'm sure there are advantages, I just dont know what they are.


Kinda like Malones EME boat we saw at the Nats huh Jimmy? Now all you need is $25k and you can buy the whole package :bigeyes:
Well i do agree with trying to save weight, if all I did was flatwater, I would consider doing this for sure. It would not make since for the surf at all. A stock tank with a gallon of fuel will slosh all over were as that tank being way smaller will not slosh around till you have next to know gas. I thank a 2.5gallon tank would be perfect. I have a 5lb battery in my ski, and it works awsome, not sure how it would work on a high hp mod motor, and if you running TL it wouldnt be good probably either, but it runs my rule 500 bildge constantly, and I havnt had any problems. My ski sits perfect in the water, and feels great. I have the battery in the back corner of the stock tray closest to the middle of the boat with blocks of foam holding it in place. I am happy with the setup.

Me and a friend both noticed my ski feels alot lighter with a -7lb battery, and no reinforcement. I dont want to reinforce untill I have to. The weight is more of in issue for flatwater then it is in the surf. I may just build a square for the surf, and reiforce it like a tank. BR attemps on head high surf is hard on a ski, I am thinking about trying for a BF. Skis get fugged up when you try big shiot you have never done.
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Discount auto parts. Its a 5lb battery $26 bucks with core, I have had it for a month now with no probs. A standard battery is 12lbs right?

Is there a number or type on the battery? Just want to look around at my local stores to see what is available. I have not weighed my Deka AGM battery, but it is at least 12lbs.
^^^^LOL for real. Keefer, I will take a look for you when I go to my ski next. I think Wallmart has them too. The cranking amps was higher on the 5lb battery vs the 4lb. Thats why I went with it. Dont you have auto zone, advanced auto parts, around you? Im sure all those places have them.
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^^^^LOL for real. Keefer, I will take a look for you when I go to my ski next. I think Wallmart has them too. The cranking amps was higher on the 5lb battery vs the 4lb. Thats why I went with it. Dont you have auto zone, discount auto parts, around you? Im sure all those places have them.

if youre going to go out inthe surf with a walmart battery, you may as well cover yourself in chum.
Go kart tanks are another option - being sold as free style jetski tanks with a price tag to match - search for go kart tanks (same thing) and save $$!
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