I felt horrible this morning. Had big dreams of going to SFF today. But didn't happen. Got all weekend for that.
Took ski out at the local ramp instead to test it out.
It did good! I failed to take any media. Unbelievable difference. Got it to do 46.3mph. Which is astounding given some issues I'll touch on. And it did maybe 38 or so before. Rode it back to back with a buddies stock 550... It's night and day. I'm wide open doing tail stands on the 550. This is just blips tiny blips of throttle.
Full disclaimer since buying this ski I haven't touched the 650 whatsoever, just some new exhaust gaskets. Haven't opened the carb nothing it was running solid with its dinky wrong impeller and cavitation station.
I expected
1. The load to throw off the tune
2. Impeller too tall 13/18 skat.
Trying to build motivation to swap in that 9/17 skat tonight but ughhhh. It wasnt that bad but definitely some fun on the table missing
Ski has 1 major new issue.... It is a spark plug murderer!! Running BR8ES, played with the high speed screw a bit and frankly landed a little lean judging by cameraing the wash. But it kept murdering specifically the rear plug real bad. Borrowed a knife from a random and trimmed back the rear plug wire which was baddddd. Absolutely no visible wire. That made it work for the rest of the day. But still after a short while plugs were shot. And it was a misfiry mess.
So I'm thinking
@WFO Speedracer is right and I need to ditch the old booboo electrics. Maybe I'm just now asking too much of a tired old coil.
I Want more power so 750 is going in soon. Gonna try some br9eyas. Do a better cleanup of the wires and ride the SJ all weekend. Maybe just maybe this will come out.
Good to reap the award of the hard work.