I will squedule to be in FL in january and so I can go there.
awesome geraldo... been wanting to meet you :smile:
I will squedule to be in FL in january and so I can go there.
basically i gotcha...... might i be the offical transportation of the Daytona Motosurf Freeride?
I might go, gotta clear it up with my boss if they will pay for the plane ticket there instead of home from AZ. Will let you know at a later date but I am gonna try my ass off!
any ny people going, or am I hitching a ride wid a jersey boy?
any ny people going, or am I hitching a ride wid a jersey boy?
Check with Dan... he went last year I think. He might be going this year.
thats harsh.... i'll remember that when i child like the windows in the truck after eating chili
i lived in florida last year so it was a short drive for me.... def going this year but driving from jersey...... i think i can do it in under 12 hours
I mean Dan Stein (Highroller)...
yeah i think dans' flyin. i got time to drive, and its time my ski saw some real waves
From Sponsors to the orginization of all the threads and the whole freeride... Nick, you are the mack daddy ! :hail: :beerchug: :Banane01:
DAMMITALL! I have appearntly been stuck in a time warp...was over in the 2006 thread......wondering why there was no chit chat about this gig.
I think I'm coming in on Thursday mid day and flying home either Monday or Turesday...regardless, I'm there! Nice job on the sponsorships Nick.....now if we can just talk some of these guys into not be in such babies about a little cooler weather...LOL!
I have an extra, brand spankin new JP 2/3mil farmer john wetsuit - I think it's a men's large - if someone needs a suit. I could probably be talked into parting with it for a few comp'ed cocktails?