2010 Grayland Open Amateur Freeride Nationals


Yardsale Master
2010 Grayland Open Amateur Freeride Nationals :brap:

The Date is Set! The 2010 Grayland Open Amateur Freeride Nationals presented by Northwest Freeride will be August 14th, 2010. Get your ski's ready because this years' will be even better than last. Stay tuned for more details. Registration will be opening in Late Spring 2010.

The event will consist of an estimated 30 competitors riding Standup and Sitdown watercraft (potentially more) in the surf. During the competition there will be one to two riders at a time in a flagged section for a 5 minute run to do as many tricks as possible in that 5 minutes. Every run will be judged and scored for the competition. The best score of the two runs will be the score used to determine placement. Awards will be given to 1st through 3rd place in the sit down class. The stand up class awards will be given for 1st through 5th place with an award also given for “Sickest Trick” and “Gnarliest Wipe Out”.​

For more info, become a sponsor, and/or to register for competition when it is open for it, see the event website at www.graylandopen.com

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Yardsale Master
hahaha now that we have a reliable one.. All will go alot better this year! I am excited!! I need to get the ski back together this weekend and get back on the water so I can try to be ready to ride in it.. See if I can find my sea legs out there somewhere....


Yardsale Master
Anyone check out the new page yet? www.graylandopen.com ??? Well done... Registration is nearing.. It WILL be EPIC!! Last year was a GREAT TIME!! The weather was good, for the NW, but with this Global Warming thing I am hoping it will be excellent!!! HAHAHAHA ok so anything blue sky and 70 deg during the summer is Epic up here! Or atleast Blue sky... I was pushing it a little much......
We are still updating the website and adding sponsors as we get them. I've got some stuff in the works for a killer afterparty/awards ceremony. Daylight is working on some custom one of a kind trophies. More to come......
That´s right everyone!!! Registration is open!!! Sign up now, pay later!!! Still, the most fun for just 45 bucks!!! Plenty of schwag, banquet, riding!!! Come see Matt_E ride a whale!!!

The Cap´n
Shoot, If Gomez is going to be there I don't stand a chance.......
Like I ever did anyways........
That's a little far for me to drive, but it would be fun to just fly out and watch.


Tasty Human
Summit Lake, WA
We have a couple guys coming in from Seattle and Portland. You might be able to catch a ride to save the rental car. Let us know, we are willing to help get people here.


Yardsale Master
Shoot, If Gomez is going to be there I don't stand a chance.......
Like I ever did anyways........
That's a little far for me to drive, but it would be fun to just fly out and watch.

So fly out and come watch!! It is a GREAT TIME!! haha Window fliers are printed out and needing to be put up for anyone interested in plastering the area!!

Steve, I think Mark is riding with Crab and I thought TanMan was driving down from AK on his road trip to the westcoast events..


thanks darin...noswad!
Sort of, Im picking both them boyz up at the airport and hauling them over to pick up Tanners two skis at the docks, they were going to go early to pratice before the comp. If I can go it will be probably saturday morning, not sure if I would throw my name in the hat or not.....lol. (we may have a big surprise for all the X2 buffs also....)


thanks darin...noswad!
Yea he is having it shipped with the two skis in the back, you can't drive off an Island you know...... btw Dayton say lanyards required this year.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Pfffft.....lanyards schmanyards.

Do they have to work? :biggrin:
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