Super Jet 2011 superjet, all stock very unstable ride

Keep in mind pre-08 has wider bottom than post-08 under the tray area. That also differs the stability between two. I never had problem WOTing my 2010 SJ. It lacked sharp turning stability at very slow speed but at higher speed was carving like a boss.
it rocks side to side going in a straight line? what was the water condition? choppy, glass?

yes and it didnt really matter what the water conditions were.. the water is still chilly here so there wasnt much water traffic where we were and it wasnt windy.. the water was pretty smooth with a small ripple here and there.. when i first got on the ski it was almost unrideable to me atleast.. the turn plate was very loose so i tightened it up where the bars were pretty snug and it helped a lot but it was still rocking..
Same issues with my '10 SJ when I first got it. I traced the problem to the rear bondrail. I cut reliefs in the back corner to allow water to flow out straight instead of grabbing the rail. Never had the "wobble" again. The rear of the 08+ SJ bottom hulls are also quite a bit narrower than the previous years causing the rear to sit a bit more in the water.

this makes a lot of sense! i may get him to do this mod.. he doesnt want to do anything to if it he can help it wants to keep it all stock.. ive been riding and working on skis for several years now, wouldnt call myself a newbie any longer.. i also noticed the ski sits with a lean to the right a little while sitting in the water.. ive seen some skis do this so that could be normal..

This pic was taken as I was at full throttle trying to catch back up with the boat. I do not understand why people think this ride unstable it's all about tray position and how well you react with the boat.

now thats a cool guy pose.. are you implying that ive never rode a jetski to not understand this already or something?? every superjet ive ever ridden has been super stable with the exception of this one.. ive ridden MANY roundies and a few squares as well.. this is the only ski of all of the different skis ive ridden that has a death wobble like this one does.. its very odd.. even riding on my knees at 3/4 to full throttle, the back got squirly on this ski which is very surprising with the deeper strakes.. i deepend the strakes on my 550 and it made a world of difference in top end stability.. before the strakes it would get squirly, and its faster than before and is still more stable..


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
now thats a cool guy pose.. are you implying that ive never rode a jetski to not understand this already or something?? every superjet ive ever ridden has been super stable with the exception of this one.. ive ridden MANY roundies and a few squares as well.. this is the only ski of all of the different skis ive ridden that has a death wobble like this one does.. its very odd.. even riding on my knees at 3/4 to full throttle, the back got squirly on this ski which is very surprising with the deeper strakes.. i deepend the strakes on my 550 and it made a world of difference in top end stability.. before the strakes it would get squirly, and its faster than before and is still more stable..

Sounds like chine walk? Have any of the other skis you have ridden had front sponsons installed flush to the hull? A lot of people add the sponsons just a bit above the edge of the hull to prevent chine walk. I don't recall the 08s I rode that well, but I know the last SXR i rode developed some chine walk after the sponsons were installed that wasn't there before.
yes and it didnt really matter what the water conditions were.. the water is still chilly here so there wasnt much water traffic where we were and it wasnt windy.. the water was pretty smooth with a small ripple here and there.. when i first got on the ski it was almost unrideable to me atleast.. the turn plate was very loose so i tightened it up where the bars were pretty snug and it helped a lot but it was still rocking..

i had a good feeling you'd say it was pretty smooth... that's the only time i've noticed my 2012 do it... almost like it's something with the way the hull breaks the surface tension or something... ive noticed it doesn't do it with a full tank of fuel, seems to start around 1/2ish tank(maybe weight transfer or something)... now that it's been mentioned it kind of makes sense where it might be the rear bond rail lip... have more weight on the front, you'll ride more level, less fuel, the back will ride lower... one side catches and starts the rock then the other side returns it... i just turffed the thing a week ago.. oh well, i'm going to chop the rear lip... hah


lol wut?
South Jersey
Just so you know, you don't have to chop the whole rear lip. I just kinda looked down the sides if the ski under the bond rail and got an idea of where to cut, then used a dremel to grind out only where the water would hit.
aytee, I think you're right about it doing it more often on flat water, but I almost feel like it does it on mine MORE when the tank is full. Maybe I just notice it more when I first hit the lake, and get used to it by the time I've burned through a half tank.... either way, I think its something you can just get used to.
Just so you know, you don't have to chop the whole rear lip. I just kinda looked down the sides if the ski under the bond rail and got an idea of where to cut, then used a dremel to grind out only where the water would hit.

yea... i didn't mean i was choppin it all off.. haha.. but i turffed the rails too so i get to take some of that off.. but oh well.. but you could be awesome and post a pic of how much you actually took out..
I came from a 750sx and bought a 08 Superjet. Never really rode a pre 08 to compare.. I definately noticed the chine walk at about 15-30 mph on smooth water. Bothered me for about 10 minutes then it never bothered me again. In fact, I can't recall if it went away when I shortened the ride plate or im just so used to it. My set up is a stock intake grate and ride plate flush cut.
ive ridden a 2010 that was bone stock as well and it didnt chine walk either.. the other superjet i rode saturday had tubbies i believe they came from zero if im not mistaken and it didnt chine walk.. his were like 1/8th above the line.. it was a roundie just not sure what year
SJs leaning to the right is normal... this is due to the weight of the battery. If you put a lightweight Ballistic EVO battery in there it won't do that. As far as all the handling comments on 08+ SJs, I'm perplexed. My Open race ski has an XScream power valve 900 in it. It's an 08 hull and does about 56+ in calm water and gets there in a hurry. I've never had an issue with handling- on the contrary I find it handles much better than my friends' pre 08 RN SJs. I have an R&D 208 grate and the blowsion composite race plate. I also have Blowsion destroyer tubbies up front, but it handled great before that. The only thing the tubbies did was make it more stable in the chop and turn a little flatter. Yamaha's quality control is very good. I can't imagine a hull defect so bad that it would cause such a handling issue. There is either something weird wrong with the handling components of your ski (i.e. ride plate, scoop grate, turn plate, nozzle, cable, hull damage, etc.) or you are doing something strange when you're riding. Where are you located?
yeah it has me stumped too.. every sj ive ridden have always been very responsive and stable with the exception of this one.. i visually looked it over after it was put back on the trailer.. everything looked as it should be from what i could tell..

i figured the slight lean to the right was normal too
my 08 has the wobble on de cell
but i overcame it by riding more in the back of tray
as far as steering i retro to 96-07 pole / cable
former owner was amazed how it now turns both directions
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