

I had a vision!
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s florida
The last guy that tried ended up in the hospital! Unless you can afford taking off work along with a huge hospital bill , then it ain't worth it!!


The Silver Surfer
Dunedin, Fl
Mike, we all know you like attention, you have proven that many times at the beach, but come on dude...this is plain stupid. I do double back flips all day long. Don't make me bust a roll off your face on video. I've had it done to me and it hurts. You don't want nonna' dis playa'.


Mesquite, Texas
nobody should be suprised by the ending. we all knew it was bs from the beginning. you should never put yourself out there for others to be able to rip on you. never post until you can do what you are bragging about.

foot meet mouth


Time to ride
all you posers can ****** off..... cause when i do get the footage... as someone else has said they are going to go for it....youll be the last ones to see it

have a good 420....haters


Time to ride
thats what you said a month back??? :ugh:

And i didn't put a date anywhere so why are all of you so quick to see something.....i didn't say a week or two or a year i just said comming soon....which could mean a year.....just let it go cause when i do get it....maybe you guys will see it in a vid or something....after the hard time givin in this thread why whould i wanna share?:poke::grumble::hitwithrock::261::hijacked:


Mesquite, Texas
coming soon means soon.

when a movie is advertised a year ahead of time they don't say coming soon. they say coming in fall of (insert year). when it is coming out in a couple months they say a month and date.

here is the kicker. if all you have is an idea, you should not state that it is coming soon. don't make a statement that you cannot back up. either make sure you can do what you claim, or don't make the claim. you are the one that put it out there and then changed the name of the thread to just periods when you could not live up to the hype you created.

rename the thread to:

coming soon, video of me putting both feet in my mouth.

wahhhhhhh, i said i can do something that i can't and people are picking on me.
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