I know. Lol.I remember them from old Protec catalog, they had a setup for dual 38's.....
Having a hard time believing you have not messed with any.
No mikuni sells and makes sbn 38’s. With shafts. They are not the shafts like Yamaha twins. They are almost identical to 44’s but 38’snot sure i understand your questions!
are you talking about chicom versions of real mikunis?
For sale?i have some on a 61x manifold
YesHave 150 engraved in both of the 38mm Throttle Plates. Guess that means 15.0 degree Bevel cut?
I’m assuming the replacement is 15.0. The 44’ and 46’ replacements are 12’s. Most aftermarket 44-50mm carbs are 12I also bought a pair of like new Mikuni non-OEM 38mm Carbs for $50 each. They are both set-up as Slave Carbs, meaning both had the Throttle Shaft shortened for Shaft Couplers.
So because none of these Carbs I bought came with a Throttle Spring, Throttle Stop or Throttle Cam, I need to order one new Mikuni Throttle Shaft Kit which includes the Threaded Shaft, Bushings and Throttle Plate. WSM sells the Standard MIkuni 38mm Throttle Shaft Rebuild Kit. What Throttle Plate Nominal Degree comes with this Kit? Where do I get a 15 degree Throttle Plate to match the other Carb Throttle Plate?
Does the degree "rating" indicate how close to zero degrees- CLOSED- they are? Bevel Angle?
I haven’t made a manifold/speed plate yet.MTRHEAD
What was your final verdict on oem vs 8113 sbn38’s?
Trying to decide on which version for a 550 reed motor. I would rather have the quick acceleration than the ultimate top end.