7 day cleanse

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
IMO. The seven day cleanses are way easier to follow and I have have much better results.

Locally grown can be used in place of organic. Most vegetables are pretty resilient to how much pesticide they retain. I had an index from a study around here somewhere...


Huntsville, AL
I just can't do a cleanse.......I think after having my mouth wired shut for 5 weeks after jaw surgery ruined "fasts" and "cleanses" for me....I just can't stick to them.

Just go get a colonic!:skull2:
a friend of mine swears by the colonic... he said they shove a tube up his ass and let is pump for an hour and it's like 10lbs lighter when it's done. I was gonna try it but I can't get past some chick I know and have partied w/ looking at my asshole and stuff...


Huntsville, AL
a friend of mine swears by the colonic... he said they shove a tube up his ass and let is pump for an hour and it's like 10lbs lighter when it's done. I was gonna try it but I can't get past some chick I know and have partied w/ looking at my asshole and stuff...

if you can get past that ...do it...you would probably realize what a nothing it all really is and you would feel a lot better
colon cleanses and the ilk are all just nonsense. No doctor worth his/her weight would recommend one and there is no reason for them. There are things in the dark recesses of our stomachs and colons that are there for a reason.

Dr. Dean Edell, a respected doctor, even says that colon cleanses are not necessary and while they wont do any harm, are not necessary.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
colon cleanses and the ilk are all just nonsense. No doctor worth his/her weight would recommend one and there is no reason for them. There are things in the dark recesses of our stomachs and colons that are there for a reason.

Dr. Dean Edell, a respected doctor, even says that colon cleanses are not necessary and while they wont do any harm, are not necessary.
Yeah....to back up the fact that most of us are full of shlt! :lmao:

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
colon cleanses and the ilk are all just nonsense. No doctor worth his/her weight would recommend one and there is no reason for them. There are things in the dark recesses of our stomachs and colons that are there for a reason.

I would like to see the published medical documentation to back up that statement.
What is in our colons and what should be in our colons are two different things. Since we are foolish enough to eat things that our bodies cannot process, how else do you suggest we remove them?

Dr. Dean Edell, a respected doctor, even says that colon cleanses are not necessary and while they wont do any harm, are not necessary.

Dr James Mercola would disagree and does. The clarifier would be, "Given a healthy and balanced diet, colon cleanses are not necessary."

Dr. James Chestnut say's that "following the "Innate Diet" is in itself a cleanse as it does not include any foods that are not innately required to sustain health."

Should we talk probiotics and Candida?
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Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
I would like to see the medical documentation to back up that statement.

What is in our colons and what should be in our colons are two different things. Since we are foolish enough to eat things that our bodies cannot process, how else do you suggest we remove them?
People have been eating the same things basically, and getting by just fine for hundreds of years without having to worry about flushing out their colons. Why all of a sudden a few years back, someone said...."hey, let me stick a tube up your ass", and everyone jumped on the wagon is beyond me.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Really? They had a Mcdonalds, Arby's, or starbucks on every street corner 400 yrs ago? If you think that todays food is the same as generations before then you need to watch "the future of food"

YouTube - The Future of Food - Introduction
Dude....I didn't say anything about Mcdolnalds or starbucks. I said "basically the same things". Meaning meats, potatoes, breads, etc. BASICALLY.
It's just my opinion of it all. People have gotten by just fine before this cleanse phase. Sure...maybe you can clean out a few pounds of crap (literally), but it's not like it's a major health issue that's gonna make you die years sooner if you don't do it. Hell, I wouldn't want to live those extra useless years even if it did! LOL!
I'm not saying it might not possibly be "good" for you. What I am saying is :dunno:. I just think it kicked in as another fad because the celebs started doing it and people followed. To each their own. I got no problem with that....it gave me the chance to crack a joke about you getting a tube stuck up your ass! :pokey:

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
Hey Swoop, tone is not implied on the internet and usually misread I wasn't gettin on you I was just saying...

I personally haven't tried the hose flush, I stick to the diet and supplement type cleanses which flush out more than just the colon.

Anyone wishing to "kick a habit" would benefit greatly by doing a cleanse at the same time. The cleanse helps get rid of the cravings that cause one to fall back on the wagon. I know it works very effectively with coffee, sugar and other food cravings, not sure if it would help with smoking though.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Hey Swoop, tone is not implied on the internet and usually misread I wasn't gettin on you I was just saying...

I personally haven't tried the hose flush, I stick to the diet and supplement type cleanses which flush out more than just the colon.

Anyone wishing to "kick a habit" would benefit greatly by doing a cleanse at the same time. The cleanse helps get rid of the cravings that cause one to fall back on the wagon. I know it works very effectively with coffee, sugar and other food cravings, not sure if it would help with smoking though.
Same here. I was just stating my feelings about it. It's all in good fun.

The Penguin

triple secret probation
Swoop - I can tell you from personal experience that eating a clean diet (not crap food, pre-processed junk, anything from drive-thru etc) makes a huge difference in the the way you feel.

I've kinda gotten off my normal routine this week - and I feel it. And it don't feel good.


Bring the brap!!
Dallas, TX
Swoop - I can tell you from personal experience that eating a clean diet (not crap food, pre-processed junk, anything from drive-thru etc) makes a huge difference in the the way you feel.

I've kinda gotten off my normal routine this week - and I feel it. And it don't feel good.
I can believe and respect that. I'm just talkin' shlt because of my current feelings about it since I've never done it. But I also talked shlt about the superjet when I rode a Kawasaki!!:chairshot:
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