Super Jet 92 SN SuperJet! Did I do good?

Hello X-H2o

I just picked up these two skis and wondering if I got a good deal or not.

A 95 Wet Jet Kraze and a 92 Superjet completely stock.

Both are pretty ugly but the engines do run. Got them both for 1000$ Was that a good deal?

The Superjet has to stock 6m6, and the kraze has the 61x in it that may some day find its way into the SJ as I hear that's a popular thing to do. But I'm happy with the 650 for now. I just did a 550/650 swap on my 85 js550. And was very happy with the power increase.
How will the kraze run with the 650 in it when I decide to be selfish?

No onto the problems I'd like help with.

The Kraze will start and run with fuel primed (dumped) into the carb. But won't run off the tank. Do you think it just needs a carb rebuild/cleaning?
And I'd really appreciate a owners manual to it if anyone knows where to find one.

The superjet has a starting issue. I bought it at 8 am on Satruday. And was riding it at 230 pm. It will only start when fuel is dumped right into the carb. And will loose that prime after it sits. And will refuse to start on its own without fuel being put right in the carb again.
I connected the flush kit and let it idle for about 10 mins in the driveway. 20 min drive to the lake and it lost the prime and wouldn't start without a quick hit of starter fluid. I then played on it for about 15-20 mins. Let it shut off, but couldn't get it to start again without priming assistance

Can someone give me a direction to take with that. I'm thinking carb rebuild and new fuel lines as well.


OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
I bought an Octane a couple years ago that did the same thing as your Superjet, I drained the tank and replaced the fuel and it cleared right up. Chances are you are dumping fresh fuel down the carbs right?

Not a bad deal though. I would swap the 61x into the Superjet and not worry about putting the other ski back together. Sell off the parts and put the money towards fixin up the SJ.
The Good! :veryhappy:

I figured out the problem with the Kraze. The fuel filter is a rebuild-able glass type that wasn't assembled all the way to make a seal. So the carb was just sucking air through the leak.
Tightened that up, tried the starter and immediately saw fuel start to flow through it. She fired right up.:Banane01:

The BAD :sad2:

The exhaust coupler clamp thing was busted. So exhaust leaks into the hull area. Anyone know what type they are so I can find/buy one?
Its part 8 on this diagram.

Also, I found a scary amount of loose hardware at the bottom of the hull. Some nuts and bolts and the coupler pieces Some chunks of metal. But I spent about two hours with a flashlight and mirror and cant for the life of me find anything that looks missing.
I'm thinking (ok really hopeing) That they are from the previous owners attempts to work on it the ski. Dropping said nut, and saying screw it. And finding a replacement nut.

@ OCD Solutions
Cant really sell it as its my dads, I convinced him to buy it with the knowledge I would someday rob the engine out of it. But I want keep her together for at least this season for variety/something for my girlfriend to ride. All my other skis are js550s and a Wave-jammer. Which she rode once. And I never got her to come back out. lol

If you've never ridden one. They are about as stable as a bike sitting on top of an oil drum. And gets up and scoots like like there's a wet towel shoved in the pump. But It ran, and only cost 150 bucks.

hypothetically, if I want to clean out the whole inside of the hull. Would it be feasible to just seal the carb/intake. And go over the whole compartment with purple power and a low power pressure washer while using a shop vac to suck it out.

I don't really feel like trying to take it apart to clean.


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
Number 8 is just a hose clamp...go down to Napa and you can get a box of them for like 10 bucks. You will need them further down the line.

On cleaning the hulls, spray some purple power in there, let it sit for a while and then seal up any intakes or anything that could get into your engine and just use a hose to wash it all out.

I agree with OCD, you are never gonna see the performance out of that 701 in the Kraze, swap it over to the SJ and be blown away by the difference. Plus the Kraze came with the larger 46 carb, bonus right there. You are happy with the 6m6 for now, but you did do a 550/650 conversion, so happy are really gonna be with that stock setup in the long run? I'd say put the 650 into the Kraze and use it as a backup ski or sell it off. You could probably get close to your buying price on both of the skis for selling the Kraze with a little clean up.

Good luck whichever way you go about it.
Thanks for the reply.
The clamp is a v band clamp. Trying to find one locally.
and the 701 will eventually make it into the SJ. But for this season it will stay in the Kraze. Since I convinced my dad to buy it, but with the knowledge that the 701 will be stole from it eventually :D

I just finished putting together a modded to $#!^ 89 JS550 for my sisters BF. Its got all the goodies. Pjs milled head, Milled block, trued/welded crank. Bored .5 over. westcoast pipe. West coast intake and exhaust mani. skat trak 15.5.
It is ballisticly and terrifyingly fast, unstable and powerful.
And I decided I almost never needed to go that fast.
I agree.
I'm more intersted in my ski having great hook up and acceleration vs speed.
My 550/650 with stock prop cavitates like no other. The SJ will most likely replace it as my favorite or so everyone tells me.

The SJ I discovered has a OP skegged rideplate Which I like. Same one I put on my JS.
A SS prop and aftermarket intake. But I cant tell which prop or intake they are.


Arlington TX
I reccomend the following before you do anything further.

Empty and clean tank.

Replace fuel lines, I use 5/16 Tygon. I can get it from Ace, but McMaster Carr has it also. It fits more snugly.
If you use zip ties, make sure they're snug. I use safety wire, but that's a little more labor intensive.

Ditch the stock filter on both. Buy filters from JetManiac or similar. The paper filters will eventually break down and clog the internal filter in your carb.

The reason for all of this is that your fuel system is pressurized by the carbs fuel pump. After the ski has been running for a few minutes it will build positive pressure and keep the carb fed. You want the gas cap to 'hisss' like a soda can when you crack open. If it doesn't, check all that stuff again.

If they run better after doing all ^^^ that... You're golden. If not. Order a carb rebuild kit and rebuild your carbs. Honestly I would do that to regardless. But that's just me.

Oh, also make sure the one way vent on the gas tank is working by sucking/ blowing through it. Make sure the 'tank' side is pointing to the tank. Part of the pressurization thing.

Congrats! You got a great deal... As mentioned, swap the 701 in and hold on to your wallet! This is a fun (expensive) sport!
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I did replace the fuel, but not the fuel lines. There was no one way valve on the tank. So I put that on.
I plan on opening up the carb's tomorrow and cleaning them and checking if a rebuild kit is necessary.
Ill replace the fuel filters too. But fuel flows freely through the lines. Far as I can tell.

Ill take some pictures tomorrow and post them for some repair advice on the front and back of the hull.

I just gotta ask. Since I only have about 15 min of real slow gentle riding on my super jet.
Whats the real difference between the SJ and a JS550
ect ect

Why is the superjet THE ski everyone says to get?
So here's the damage I need to fix on the nose and rear.
All I have to work with is that Bondo kit from the auto store. Does that contain the right kind of epoxy?

Here Is the nose chunk that is missing. Which I just need to make pretty and make it a little smaller so it will fit in my trailer nose hooks

The Rear section with this crack running the most of the width, With what looks like the failed attempt of a repair.


Any advice before I jump in this?


TigerCraft FV-PRO
I assume your talking about fiberglass resin made by bondo? not bondo that you fill dents in with? It should say on the can if it epoxy or polyester need epoxy. I would just cut the front bumper and make it more narrow...I'll post photos later of my bro SN.


Arlington TX
The glass and resin in the Bondo brand kit isn't very good. Some would say its complete crap.

Its kind of a pain compared to running down to the store, but you'd be better off to put in a order with US composites.

yard or two of 12oz Biax
Gallon of thin epoxy Resin
quart of Cabosil

As far as a comparison between a SJ and a 550, when I rode side by side the biggest eye opener was the addtional torque. The pump is much larger on a SJ, and the motor is larger so it really hooks. LOL I remember when I rode my first 650SJ, it was stock and I was like "Holy crap this is awesome!" Larger pump kind of translates to larger tires on a car... kinda.

Also stability. SJ's are extremely stable compared to everything except SXR's... and your driveway lol...
It's gonna hook through corners more reliably than a 550 hull. In part because of wider bond rails, more surface on the bottom etc. If theres a negative, the SJ is as 'flickable', but that goes back to stability.
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The fiberglass repair kit made by Bondo.

And I guess I will have to go with US Composites then.

Since we are on the subject. I might as well get what I would need to install footholds as well since I don't have any hydro turf down. And I dont want to buy turf, just to rip it up later to do footholds.

I was looking at these with enclosures
Or the 615 footholds.

How much fiberglass would I need to install those?

Yard of the 17oz biax?
any other little odd things I would need?

Iv read prob 100 foot hold threads. And I don't think Iv ever seen someone actually post the materials and amount they purchased.

Thanks for the help guys
So I finally got my carbs apart. Those screws would NOT come out for anything.

And I discovered what I hope is the main problem.

This was taken out of the little fuel filter
It was packed full of...what ever that is...

Secondly, whats the best way to clean this junk off the carbs and little gaskets?
with the assumption that I just spent all my money on next semesters School tuition. And thus can't afford rebuild kits for a while.

Same thing with my "order" to UScomposits being on hold.

I'm shaving down the nose trim to get rid of that big ugly missing chunkness

So do I fiberglass over that? Or do I just seal it with the epoxy?

What can I do to thicken up the epoxy resin a bit.

I would like to just get this thing rideable for this season and Ill do the re-glassing/footholds/motor swap/ everything else over winter.

Same with this butt crack

For doing a repair to it.
Do I have to sand all the way through the gelcoat? Down the the Fiberglass?
Or do I just roughen up the area with like 80 grit?


TigerCraft FV-PRO
Here's what we did to my brother sn bumper. we will run turf as his bumper.

Use Berryman's B-12 spray carb cleaner to clean the carburetor. Dont reuse any of the carb gaskets.

"What can I do to thicken up the epoxy resin a bit."

Cabosil, Thickens and can still use to wet fiberglass mat with.

"Do I have to sand all the way through the gelcoat? Down the the Fiberglass?"

You can glass to gel-coat if the gel-coat is solid, but it would be best to clean down to the SMC.
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