being from Australia has nothing to do with it!
I didnt at all mean to imply you were less smart, I promise I am NOT smart.
but, I know cutting an impeller back does NOT change the pitch.
I think from logical deduction here, we have decided that you got a re-pitch that you didnt realize you were asking for.
and, the only reason, I wanted to point that out, was so that other people wouldnt be confused when ordering, buying or shopping for impellers new or used.
IM envious, I wish I was as smart as you.
[ you MUST be smarter than me because, you live in AUSTRALIA!... I live in Arkansas and its like the arm pit of america!... bwwhahahahaaha]
I never said anything about being confused, I don't know why you would assume that. Maybe you're just a whole lot smarter than me, I am, after all just from Australia.
If I know what I want, I ask for it. In this case I asked for a 13/16 -3. I didn't look up any charts to see what pitches they were offered in from the factory. Can I get this? Yes! I'll take one.
As I said, 'from my understanding', sure, I may be wrong, and I'll admit that.