i "support" this network.im part of the only group that does. I PAY for my parts. ive spent way more than i should have on parts for my boats...id rather have them cost less, but its really more important that "pros" get free motors. haha No offense Cuong! i dont really care, its not my bidnis ')
I’m glad you support the network (because you have always been nice to me in person and visa versa), just remember, there are many ways to support other than money. Regarding the rest of your post…that’s my point Brett…basic economics 101…supply and demand. Your prices for the average joe should eventually drop when more people become involved via more exposure…so you should get what you want then (less cost). That part takes time when you are developing an industry, and it is painful for everyone (sacrifices are made for the team); the main point is to not tear away at the key people who are pushing hard and risking much. I talk smack all the time, but since I do invest quite a bit in travel myself, I’m fairly familiar with whom I’m addressing typically…that makes a BIG difference in knowing where their boundaries are; however, I intend to attempt to monitor my behavior at this point a little better.
I read that thread Ride started about tele, and I like the Fuel idea Zach suggested much better than MTV based on my limited knowledge (I personally don’t watch tele enough to support this statement though). MTV seemed pretty nasty last time I checked it out and what I have seen of Fuel did not; however, when you are young, you usually start off at the bottom of the market as opposed to the top (doesn’t have to be that way, but it usually is in life for most people and companies/industries etc.).
As for the inference I made about the tour operators, I wish to tone that down (whether it needs to be or not). I have no personal knowledge of how hard they are working or not, so that was mere frustration talking on my part…still, it never hurts to try to offer ideas, as a matter of fact it is beneficial…when done correctly. Have a good weekend.
There are plenty of sponsors out there for Pete,he just needs to think outside the box a little more,Band-aid would be a good one,also TIDE ,Prozac,Ritalin and INFRACT-AWAY might even be interested,he could be like the Billy Mays of freestyle.
Just got off the phone with some potential sponsors,the news is good and bad,Tampax said they were all in but were hanging by a string ready to talk,Midol said it was the wrong time of the month for them to sponsor anyone,Trojan said they had sponsored in the past but that most of the people they had sponsored turned out to be D!#ks,Orbitz gum was extremely interested and couldn't think of a better spokesperson.