no offence taken here......all good fun.
Sorry it's just me posting.........Erik is busy trying to get his business straight. Believe me, it's rough trying to develop new parts AND meet schedule AND satisfy customers while depending on out of state factories as a one man show. When you guys actually here the whole story, I think you will understand why things have gone the way they have. Some situations are just out of your hands and schedules are broken. Thanks for reading and hopefully you guys understand.
We went over pricing, availability, options, payments etc. last night and earlier today. Everything looks to be on track and we should be taking deposits within the next couple of days. A full spreadsheet with prices/options is being worked up now. Hoping to have a FAQ built up too. Website is being worked on right now and hope to have online payment provisions set up.
Erik SHOULD be on sometime today, but he has been running around trying to get the pre-production lot knocked out and getting all the little parts & hardware lined up for the first lot of 40 production cylinders.
Lots of little things that need to be taken care of = lots of time taken up = not a lot of time to post = Erik not here = Erik actually working = me posting for him = Erik SHOULD be here to post, and plans on it.....but he probably got busy with phone calls, routing parts, picking up hardware, porting cases, machining domes, scheduling nikasil, list goes on................