Suckin paint fumes
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- Saint Louis MO
What about fiberglass....?
What about fiberglass....?
Nobody ever said they make more power...the carbon is used for weight saving the same power + less weight = better p/w ration and is equal to the heavier pipe making more power. A stainless chamber would get hot as sh*t, and like the aluminum chamber once any bit of water hit it, it would steam and fill your engine compartment with steam....high performance steam filling your carbsokey:
Oh yeah, and the Japs where (probably still are?) running carbon chambers on their competition boats for a long time.
What if I made one out of fiberglass? Using the same resin will it hold the heat? how hot does it get? can I paint my alum one?
can I make a fiberglass one??? and can I paint my alum one? how hot does it get.
Nobody ever said they make more power...
I think there's a big misconception going in this thread - about carbon chambers being cooler.
The chamber doesn't influence how hot the exhaust gases are.
I'm curious as to how tuning the pipe hotter is going to work at getting more Hp if the carbon cools quicker, being that the sonic return wave is slowed by a cooler temp in the chamber? I've always had better performance using stainless steel over aluminum. I have yet to see anyone make a stainless B chamber. I have a stainless R&D pro series on an sxi motor that makes good power.
It doesn't.
It does the exact opposite.
so, it can handle more heat because it's carbon?
uhm.... yes it does. that's why stainless steel chambers hold their temperatures better, offering better sustained hp readings.
Thanks for clearing that up, Im not trying to make the argument that carbon chambers are better than aluminum so nobody is confused just saying that I like my carbon chamber (really like it) and have no plans to replace it with an aluminum one because IMO I won't gain anything (but weight) but had I not got this pipe I would not likely go out and spend $500 on a new carbon chamber because I am cheap.
yamanube said:I think you need a red carbon chamber!
That I don't know.
I am saying it doesn't conduct/dissipate heat nearly as well as aluminum.
That's why it's cool(er) to the touch.
I didn't make myself very clear - I reread what I wrote, and it's confusing.
Here's what I meant: Chamber material doesn't immediately affect combustion temperature.
I don't know and I am not about to speculate.
Just wanted to point out that carbon does not dissipate heat better.