another cooling question


just one more part....
costa mesa ca
i have read a bunch of posts and have a more specific question.
my main thing is the darn flow valve. i recently took the thing away from the stinger wile the engine was on in the water and reved it but nothing came out. could this be cause i have a larger factory pipe supplyed exit nozzle it is preety large much larger than stock not a whole lot of restriction.

my second question is that i have my cooling lines right pic A
B--or should i do 2 off the head like the pic A or am i ok with one.

or---can i run the other head outlet to the stinger/flv. and have the other head outlet to the exit nozzle
or--tee both the head oulets together and run 1 line to the tee flv and exit nozzle.
\thanks in advance,


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Where do you have your FCV installed?

You only want to use the second fitting on your head if you're running dual cooling to the manifold to maintain even cylinder temps. I don't know how to refer to your drawings because the one you labeled "A" actually says "B" when you open it up and vice versa.


just one more part....
costa mesa ca
ok well

ya then you awnsered my question ya sorry bout that i swaped it back the one with 1 exit off the head is what i have now. so i wont run anything from the second one no prob.
i have the flow control valve after the tee the tee part goes overboard. am i ok running the larger exit nozzle that came witht he fp it is silver and larger than the stock lil pisser. prob 3 times bigger idno.

so i guess now my main question is just that do i have to run a particular exit nozzle with the fcv.


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

thanks so much thats a great pic!!! thats so much easyier than reading through 5 pages of cooling talk on another post. that pic sums is up. i see the fcv line from the tee i will do that also thanks again

does water go into the waterbox from another place besides the stinger cause to me it looks like the water goes through the bypass and doesnt flow into the stinger.
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There are no fittings on the waterbox. The FCV limits the amount of water to the stinger/waterbox at low RPMs.
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makin' legs
Put the bypass on the 90 deg leg of the T and the FC vlave on the straight through leg. You're letting the water take the easiest path and not pop the valve the way it is in that pic. FPP does it the way Marz drew it because they are limiting flow to the waterbox with the bypass alone instead of using a FC valve. You may also want to run a 2-3mm restrictor after the FC valve right before the stinger. There's nothing wrong with loosening the valve as needed until you get flow at the desired RPM(usually 3000ish).:biggthumpup:


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

like im set now guys.
thanks crammit the tee goes overboard and the strait easy path will hit the fvc opening it at said level and going in at low rpm the water will take harder path and go tee off into ocean thanks for the comment.


High on jetskis.
put the FCV before the T. i ran mine after and it didnt let any water in the waterbox. the water just took the path of least resistance(out the pisser)
heaps of brap with a dry waterbox though, but id never run it like that...


just one more part....
costa mesa ca

lot of conflicting stuff here. your point makes sense also to bad i have been running it after the tee for a wile and nothing had blown up/melted as far as waterbox goes. hmmmm


I've got the glow
Site Supporter
As long as you are getting water through your system, you'd be a little surprised at how many cooling permutations you can come up with.

Mike W

North Florida
I put a restrictor in the 90* part of the T that dumps overboard and the FC valve in the straight part that goes to the waterbox. Having the restrictor there will still make the FC valve pop open and you will still have flow at all times thru the headpipe.


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Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I thought I had it figured out until I read this thread.

Should we start a poll? Restricter between the jetworks valve and the stinger or between the 90 degree and the pisser? Or no restricter at all? I'm confused.

Mike W

North Florida
I thought I had it figured out until I read this thread.

Should we start a poll? Restricter between the jetworks valve and the stinger or between the 90 degree and the pisser? Or no restricter at all? I'm confused.

Me too after reading all the threads on cooling setups. When I had the FC before the T there was no flow at all at low RPM's while riding and while flushing. The way I have mine setup I have flow at all times thru the headpipe. With the restrictor just after the 90* part of the T it will create enough pressure to make the FC valve open. That is the way I see it anyway.
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makin' legs
I thought I had it figured out until I read this thread.

Should we start a poll? Restricter between the jetworks valve and the stinger or between the 90 degree and the pisser? Or no restricter at all? I'm confused.

There you go. You're not trying to restrict water to the bypass. You want to keep the waterbox dry. 2 or 3mm is plenty of water to cool the hose to the box. The FC valve will keep it completely dry until it opens and then you'll get a minimum amount of water in it. If you're concerned about melting the hose while idling or towing, just blip the throttle every now and again. Never been a problem for me. I towed an 18+ boat last year at Alatoona and was fine.



just one more part....
costa mesa ca
to end this once and for all

i went to jet works today. no i didnt call write or send a carryier piegeon what i did was talk face to face about the whole cooling and fcv issue they invented it and have there name on it and know what the are talking about.

the fcv is after the t off the strait part of the tee in line with the hose. the t part goes overboard. he also gave me a restrictor from a carb screw it has a small hole and that is placed in the line that goes overboard.

also i am posting pics of my new sxr style flush kit. its way sano and super easy/why shop around and find crap to make a backflush when you can just do it like this and have water go in all directions. using any style garden hose.


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Mike W

North Florida
My restrictor in my T is 4mm. What is the one Jetworks gave you? 2mm? You can use an old needle and seat which works like a champ. Just drill it out to whatever size you need.
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