Another dual 44's tuning question


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Well the thing is there are so many dodgy setuos out there that as soon as you start making power they cant get rid of thr heat energy and so people run them fat and have no issues
Lean seizing has got a bad name from other things
if you run your ski fat then it will not make any heat energy and therefor never play up
if your ski is set up right then it can handle the heat energy and away you go
A two stroke doesnt make its max power on the point of lean siezing so the jettings i was running are by no means lean
My 48s run a 120 p and 130 main
and thats novi massive carbs compared to 44
they also run a 22psi pop off as the type 9 like a high pop off
it hits like a mule
well i finally listened to everyone and checked my pop off with a gauge before i broke in the new piston/rings. the pop off in the front carb was 20 and the rear carb was almost 40 :bigeyes: i guess i know why tuning's been such a bitch this year. i'm not sure what is up with that rear carb, but we went ahead and got both carbs to 22 psi, with 2.0 seats and a 95g in the front, 65g in the back. (wierd?) i just finished breaking it in and man it is sooooo much better. that screwy popoff was messin everything up before.

however, i still do have a strange problem. when i let off the gas from a quick WOT, the idle is really high (like i can still steer even without hitting the gas) and then once the boat slows down completely, the idle goes back to normal. this can't be an air leak can it? is it related to the popoff or low jet?
k i'll check, no i still have the same carbs i'm gonna try to make them work because i don't have any more money to spend after this top end rebuild. they seem to be doing good except for this intermittant high idle thing.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
The reason you will be having that issue with the pop off difference is more than likely the arm is bent at a great angle
this could also be your problem with the fuel leaking
make sure when the carbs are lying down that the piviot arm is within 1mm of horizontal
yea we did that, both arms are perfectly flat. the only explanation we can come up with is either the needle/seat was marked incorrectly from the factory, or the hole where the spring goes either isn't as deep as the other one or is filled with goop or something.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Yeah it has to be something like that

to be 40psi
I am not sure i would be runnng it unless i could find out why it was like that and could fix the issue
It may be more than the pop off its affecting
well we tore the damn thing apart as far as we could and couldn't find anything wrong with it, and when i popped the head, that cylinder/piston almost looks better than the one with the 'non-strange' carb, so i guess i'll go with it. do you have any ideas of why it's doing the fast idle then slow idle thing?
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