Another dual 44's tuning question


Some of you experiancing problems after heavy landings etc might check how close the exhaust is to the hole in the diaphram cover, its surprising how huch it moves around with impact when warm. You can sometimes see where the exhaust has been rubbing the cover, this will give rise to the sort of condition you are experiencing. Its a good idea to simply grind the lug of the cover and turn it the other way up.


Well, it is hard to say how mine is running b/c I an running such a rich oil mixture. Once I lean things out I will get a better idea of how it responds. It currently hit good but still has that hesitation when you goose it. The 115p and 120m really helped balance things out. I am 1.5 out on the high and keep turning it out on the low (I think it is almost 2 turns out now). I had it at 1.25 but gradually increasing the low screw made it come alive. The 120p and 130m is looking pretty good. But I will tenker with it once more jets get here.
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wannabe backflipper
gold coast
increasing the low screw is telling you that you are weak in the low area not the high
by shoving more in the top you will mask the low speed area a bit
but the ski will not be as clean as it should be

the hesitation you are feeling is being maksed by the low speed a bit as well

you can adjust the low speed out to compensate for the weak midrange area if it helps


I will do the low jet first and see what that does. Being almost 2 turns out tells me allot on the low. I am just saying that I am projecting 120p and 130m but that can all change once the mixture lean out. I still have about 2 gallons of gas to run through on break in. Have not really touched the highs, just set them at a conservative 1.5 out until I get to that point.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
you have to set from the bottom to the top not the other way around
all the circuits add together and give yout top end setting
so its low speed mixture screw
then pop off
low speed jet
high speed jet
then high spee mixture
the top two are best set with a tacho
the other ones are best set riding along in the rpm range that they deliever
idle for mixture scre
2000 for pop off
3000-3500 for low speed jet
ride in those rpm ranges for 20-30 secs and then stab the throttle this will let you know if its rich or lean


I just took it out again with a full 2 turns out on the low speed jet. :bigeyes: Thing is rockin' NOW!! Feels really good and does not have a whole lot of hesitation if any. Rear cylinder appears to be a little lean but I will check things out more throughly tomorrow. Engine runs nice with 2 out on the low! I do not think that the pop off is an issue at this point.

Waxhead I hear what you are saying but you have to understand that I am only 1/2 tunning at this point. My main concern is to keep the motor well lubricated durring break-in, which is why I am doing the 1.5 out on the highs and "tuning" the low to get rid of any signs of a lean condition. However, durring this process I am taking notes and seeing what the motor is responding to for use as a guide when I up the jets..............which I obviously need to do.
well i feel like a big giant horses ass. i guess this is why you really need a pop off gauge. i just took my carbs apart to find that the 2.3's i thought i was running are actually 2.0's, and i still have the 115g spring in. oopsies :banghead: i'm putting the 95g in today and once the motor is back together this should fix my loading up problem.


I just put in 120p, 135m, 95g and 2.0 n/s. Sounds good and is nice and responsive. The main is a bit high but 130m might be the ticket. I am heading down to the river now............I'll let you know how it runs


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
you will find with the 130 high it wall fall on its face up top now

so expect it not to rev
you will need to bring that down a bunch


waxhead said:
you will find with the 130 high it wall fall on its face up top now

so expect it not to rev
you will need to bring that down a bunch

Right on waxhead! 135 is to high but thats what I had laying around. 120p feels nice at about 1 turn out. I think 117.5 or 120p works well on this set-up. I did not really hit up top b/c it a storm was blowing in right up the river making some 1-2 foot chop. Pop-off feels great, the throttle response is just a little spongy. I think that can be adjusted out. Still even with that I don't see the 44's hitting as clean or hard as those full specs I just had on the motor.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
it will be spongy with that huge top end jet in it
120 is still to big
with that setup i would run a 100-105 high in my own ski
I say 110 to you so you dont have to worry about it being to lean


I have that jet so I will test that option out. I'll let you guys know :biggthumpup:


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waxhead said:
it will be spongy with that huge top end jet in it
120 is still to big
with that setup i would run a 100-105 high in my own ski
I say 110 to you so you dont have to worry about it being to lean

I am not sure I agree with that. With that popoff and that motor setup, a 110 main will be way too lean, based on my own experience with a very similar setup.

I am running 112.5 with 25psi popoff, and 125 mains. Runs like a champ.
I don't know though...most of this applies to my setup only, as that's what my experience is limited to. HOwever, the setups should be very close.


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
I ran a 120p with a 95 main in my ported 760
It was killer
Joe kenny even comented on how hard it hit when he rode it

But as you say each to there own experience


waxhead said:
I ran a 120p with a 95 main in my ported 760
It was killer
Joe kenny even comented on how hard it hit when he rode it

But as you say each to there own experience

Thats what Jeff at Waterdawgs told me. He said allot of guys would not believe how much power and response they gain by leaning the carbs out a bit. Most set ups are conservativly rich.
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