Any 07 Dates Yet?

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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
so what, me and rhonda are chopped liver now??? :biggrin:

how could we not help out in our own backyard???

Be careful for what you ask for............ the work parties are being assmbled as we speak !!! I saw your names being added to the list! :Banane01:

Nascency Chris

The Nascency Project
Be careful for what you ask for............ the work parties are being assmbled as we speak !!! I saw your names being added to the list! :Banane01:

pppfffttt...i ain't scurred, and i'll even bring the coors light this time...:biggthumpup:


Why Me?
The Atl
Well, If I am welcome to attend any events after the last one, then please add mine and Sams name to the helpers list..We too can bring the frosty adult beverages...

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
Good to hear that the Lanier ride will not be held at the concentration camp this year.


after the first year I agree with that statement.

Last year went very well, the attendents were very nice. only issue I heard of was people getting caught with alcohol............


Why Me?
The Atl
Chopped liver You may be:purr: ... but Rahonda is def
Add Cary and myself to the list of helpers. I will warm up my hips for the Ride. :Banane01:

Easy about those hips...We all know what they are capable in slow motion.....LOL!!!!!


drillin like a villian
The only thing about changing the location is, we may not have as good of cruiser traffic. Bald ridge is a good spot b/c they come out of the marina steady from morning till the late afternoon, then they start comming back until dark. Another location might make the crusier wakes less consistant.....just something to think about.
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