Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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easy money??..thats funny the only person ive seen get it on film was taylor..ive been trying for 3years and have yet to get one..i must suck

What is a legitimate barrel on a wave of any size? Are yo French or something?

You would give me all of that if I get barreled in a 8 footer somewhere? LMAO! Easy money!
Get what on tape? You said any wave. I said 8 foot? Are you saying TC can't find a 8 footer to ride? LOL.......dude are you foreign?
sooo your ski handling skills and wave knowledge are on par with one of the greatest surfers/jetskiiers/watermen in the world?

or to be fair u think the advantage u have with your ski makes up for the difference in experience??

Dude are you serious you snob? You think no one can ride in front of and out of and around a 15 to 20 footer or whatever that is the "greatest rider" ever is rippin on???

You need to get out more.


this is called getting barreled

this is called getting barreled


Wow dude...I liked that shot when I saw it in my magazine while sitting taking a dump but not once....not once....did I think it was anything other that money preventing me from riding it. Sack up nervous Nelly.


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I retract my offer of contributing money to this.
It'd be one thing if this was some silly Jackass stunt. But fact is that you would lose your ski and probably your life attempting this. Not cool, and not worthy of anyone's financial support, no matter how ridiculous I feel your claims are.

You do have plenty of confidence in your skills and equipment, I'll give you that. :bigok:
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soo you ride better than taylor now too??..your lack of knowledge/respect for the ocean is sickening you dont deserve to ride a jetski in realize thats like over razor sharp reef right??

Wow dude...I liked that shot when I saw it in my magazine while sitting taking a dump but not once....not once....did I think it was anything other that money preventing me from riding it. Sack up nervous Nelly.


while your at it please post up some video of you doing some nose high airs off two foot waves with your handle pole over your head..i want to see how a real surf rider rips
Funny Sally...not...

I won't get in to a pic fight with you honey.

I know where I have been and I am content. Come to Daytona and we will have head to head comp Sat morning.
you know its funny i dont see videos of guys doing 5 backflips in a row on flatwater and think i can do it...i guess if i had enough money i could hahha

I laugh at those vids Sally. And actually you are correct and understandable for once in this thread. If you had enough money I guarantee you you could do flatwater backflips.
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