Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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Zack Bright. I Thrash.
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Oceanside, CA
Yes I think I could ride waves that big all day long. Tube some......ride around some....whatever....just ride them.

So....would you be open to coming out and proving Andrew wrong?
I'll pitch in some dough for a plane ticket or your fuel bill if you're driving (if you're wanting to use your ski)

Yes I would absolutely 100% be willing to waste your money just to show you that I can ride my jetski out of a 20 footer. I have no idea how far back you guys would want me or if I would get there....but I would ride and try.

Geesh! And I thought the 2002 cherry buster was "hard". All I have to do here is tube a 20 (I'm so cool I can make up a phrase) and ride out behind the wave.


Dude that pic is cool and all but do you think that is like unheard of or something.....jetskiing out of a 15 footer? I am being dead serious.

no i really dont think its that special but it was one of the best waves ive gotten in my life (on a ski)

but i do know what its like to ride a wave with allot of water moving..that entire time the wave is trying to suck you over the obviously dont know this..hence your ignorant posts
no i really dont think its that special but it was one of the best waves ive gotten in my life (on a ski)

but i do know what its like to ride a wave with allot of water moving..that entire time the wave is trying to suck you over the obviously dont know this..hence your ignorant posts

I do know this....and I am prepared for it......based on riding in ocean waves, lake waves, and rapids. What else can one do except do it. Give her some and get out! If I get in there cool......if not I ride and go in.


I do know this....and I am prepared for it......based on riding in ocean waves, lake waves, and rapids. What else can one do except do it. Give her some and get out! If I get in there cool......if not I ride and go in. dont think there is a difference between a wave you would ride at say daytona or oceanside than the one i posted??


go get the movie wave hunters...herbies and randys riding will blow your mind...these guys are some of the best riders there has been and will think you are on the same level as theM?? (im not)
Ohio dont think there is a difference between a wave you would ride at say daytona or oceanside than the one i posted??

Stop boring me with obvious redundant questions. Of course I see that.

But I have never "not ridden" anything to date.....why would I not ride something 7 or 10 feet bigger than I have ever ridden. I clearly would as would most guys in here that are serious about pushing themselves.


if you saw a double overhead wave with a 4ft thick lip breaking over nearly exposed rock you wouldnt ride me

Stop boring me with obvious redundant questions. Of course I see that.

But I have never "not ridden" anything to date.....why would I not ride something 7 or 10 feet bigger than I have ever ridden. I clearly would as would most guys in here that are serious about pushing themselves.


ok if u get a picture of yourself in a legitimate barrel on a wave of any size i will give you my ski and u will get the cover of pwi and 10gs in prizes

put your money where your mouth is
haha so you dont think herbies ski handling skills and extensive wave knowledge have anything to do with it?? must be just like freestyle..its all ski

I am saying that has a TON do do with it. Do you speak da English?

I am saying he did it on that. I would take his position that wave on my ski for sure.


I am saying that has a TON do do with it. Do you speak da English?

I am saying he did it on that. I would take his position that wave on my ski for sure.

sooo your ski handling skills and wave knowledge are on par with one of the greatest surfers/jetskiiers/watermen in the world?

or to be fair u think the advantage u have with your ski makes up for the difference in experience??
ok if u get a picture of yourself in a legitimate barrel on a wave of any size i will give you my ski and u will get the cover of pwi and 10gs in prizes

put your money where your mouth is

What is a legitimate barrel on a wave of any size? Are yo French or something?

You would give me all of that if I get barreled in a 8 footer somewhere? LMAO! Easy money!
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