Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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South Florida
Cool it.

Speaking of cooling it, I just got back from my ride. A bit chilly - my bilge pumps were frozen due to the large chunk of ice in the bottom of my hull.
My cooling lines coming from the pump were frozen and had to sit in the 45ish water for a bit to thaw.
My steering cable was frozen.
My throttle cable was frozen, I had to work it over with a heat gun.
And finally, my hothands hose was frozen, had to thaw that.

Riding was great, burned 5 gallons, had my hair freeze for a short while.

None of that sounds fun to me at all. You are insane. More power to you, buddy!


Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
But I do know that I would gladly ride ocean 20 footers....and eventually I would get barrelled in one.

If you grew up there and you are not then you have a problem. Sack up?

Matt it’s easy to talk smack from the comfort of your home in front of your computer but when you’re faced with the real deal it’s a whole new story. I don’t know you or your abilities but if they are as you claim it seems to me you would have no problem finding sponsors funding your travel and equipment just so they could get a picture of you in a 20’ tube. Sorry Bro I’m siding with Andrew on this one, I think if you even saw a 30’ wave, let alone a 70’ then you’d run with your tail between your legs. AND Speak off the Devil- I rode with Randy Laine this morning and told him of this thread and your comments. After our laugh we came to the conclusion that you probably couldn’t even find a 30+’ wave let alone ride one. So I did the dirty work for you, just so happens the West Coast is getting a HUGH swell next week. The forecasts are saying 10-12’ at the local beaches which means the Big Wave spots may very well be in the 50’-60’ range. So put your money were your mouth is, get over here and I will personally take you to the big wave spot of your choice. BTW check out pics 5 & 6 on the link just to get you stoked.
I am pretty sure opportunity leads to photos which lead to sponsorship which means competition which I have no interest in.

But if others were out riding something I would go riding. Period.

I am confident I could tube a 20 if given opportunities.


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at peace
Nobody can argue with your confidence, as that's a personal feeling - misguided as others may feel it to be.

John is spot on, no way could you look at anyone of the guys on the X at Daytona, and tell them what you are typing here. I am sure you're a great guy, but don't you think what your typing is hurting your rep? I know I wouldn't want anyone thinking anything less then what I would want them to think of me.
i dont know anything about matts riding abilities , but hes not saying he is the best or anything, hes just saying hes not afraid to try it. theres a handful of good riders that might have the skill to ride big waves but dont have the balls. there is a huge risk involved in big wave riding and not everyone is willing to take that risk. i dont doubt that someone like matt can go ride a 30' + wave. yeah its only a matter of time before u get bit in the @ss by a wave like that. hes not even claiming that he would survive it.
ive read several stories in surf mags about an every day small wave surfer borrowing a friends big wave board and surfing mavericks on one of its biggest days. it can be done.
just like every sport, it takes a lot of balls and often stupidity to step up and try something no one else is doing. thats how the sport progresses.


i dont know anything about matts riding abilities , but hes not saying he is the best or anything, hes just saying hes not afraid to try it. theres a handful of good riders that might have the skill to ride big waves but dont have the balls. there is a huge risk involved in big wave riding and not everyone is willing to take that risk. i dont doubt that someone like matt can go ride a 30' + wave. yeah its only a matter of time before u get bit in the @ss by a wave like that. hes not even claiming that he would survive it.
ive read several stories in surf mags about an every day small wave surfer borrowing a friends big wave board and surfing mavericks on one of its biggest days. it can be done.
just like every sport, it takes a lot of balls and often stupidity to step up and try something no one else is doing. thats how the sport progresses.

Please quote said articles in the surfmags. Haha mat isn't saying he's the best, just better than me..who are these riders that have the skills but don't charge?being able to pull a throttle on a jetski is only half of it
You consider me saying I am a better rider than the same ballpark as me saying I am the best rider?

More insight in to your ego.


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at peace
whats tubing a 20? :thinking:

You know....tubing!



Ummm actually no I didn't say that..U were the one makeing outlandish claims of how u would pull in at macking jaws..Sounds like ur the one with the big ego

The difference between a surfer going out at mavs for the first time and mat riding big waves is that that surfer has to be in excellent shape to even get out or else he won't make the hour paddle..not just sit in front of his computer playing world of Warcraft and shoveling hoagies down his gullet and then go grab some throttle when the lake thaws

I've had enough I feel bad for the guy

ironically I'm watching a show on fuel tv right now called
slammed and a bunch of pro surfers are talking about how dangerous it is to charge critical waves
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Its all about the surf!
Oceanside, CA
I am confident I could tube a 20 if given opportunities.

This whole thread reminds me of the movie “North Shore” Probably one of the worst movies ever. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about a kid from Arizona who learned to surf in a wave pool who goes to Hawaii and eventually out surfs all the local Hawaiian Pros. It’s the opitomy of a cheesy Hollywood plot. I can see it now, the movie is called “West Coast” and it will be about a Cleveland free rider who learned to surf ride in the Great lakes, then comes to California and eventually dethrones all the West coast Free riders at Cortez Bank. Sheezzz!
This whole thread reminds me of the movie “North Shore” Probably one of the worst movies ever. For those of you who haven’t seen it, it’s about a kid from Arizona who learned to surf in a wave pool who goes to Hawaii and eventually out surfs all the local Hawaiian Pros. It’s the opitomy of a cheesy Hollywood plot. I can see it now, the movie is called “West Coast” and it will be about a Cleveland free rider who learned to surf ride in the Great lakes, then comes to California and eventually dethrones all the West coast Free riders at Cortez Bank. Sheezzz!

funny thing has been done in other sports.
John is spot on, no way could you look at anyone of the guys on the X at Daytona, and tell them what you are typing here. I am sure you're a great guy, but don't you think what your typing is hurting your rep? I know I wouldn't want anyone thinking anything less then what I would want them to think of me.

Bwaaaaaaaa! This just get better and better! Now my 30 year rep as an athlete is in question due to THIS THREAD!!!!!

Man that would take some egos or some seriously soft people in here then.


I can't imagine not riding in pic 6. I clearly clearly would. No doubt in my mind. I can't really see pic 5's overall conditions but I am pretty sure I would go riding in it.

Is it my avatar making you guys think I am clowning around?

Korn would ride them, Smurf would ride them, East coasters would ride them!

Almost every serious rider I have ever met would ride in pic 6...or so I THOUGHT


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at peace
I can't imagine not riding in pic 6. I clearly clearly would. No doubt in my mind.

Not sure if you saw the caption, but it states that those conditions are the biggest anyone's ever seen Cortez Bank.
This means faces of 70ft or more.
Just as an FYI.

It's an aerial photo with no size reference in it.
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