I would feel comfortable about right here for starters.
OK, I've been on your side for this read here Matt, if someone else can do it then maybe you can too. Agreed on that point. BUt you just very clearly illustrated that you have no real surf riding experience. A boat will not hold a wave in that location, nor a surfer for that matter. If by chance you found yourself in that location on the wave it would be a momentary passing as you're falling into the pit.
I've raced in Great Lakes surf. Challenging yes. Even Fun. Easily the largest windchop I've ever been in.
I've raced in East Coast Surf. Waves smaller than the crashing windchop on Michigan, yet still far more powerful.
I've raced in NorthWest surf. Waves much smaller than any of these photos. I was surrounded by the Worlds Best freeriders (SurfSlam 09) and nobody was too happy to be out in those conditions. Those waves were roughly half the size of these on the biggest sets.
I wrote a story about my experience on watercraft.com, you should read it.
Save the bravado, get the experience. The guys ripping you on here are only doing so because they actually have been in real surf and know the consequences which supports the respect for the photo that you so quickly claim to have the ability/balls to ride. Its real easy to sit on a keyboard and talk about what you would do and very different to actually do it. It isn't that somebody doesn't like you, it's just apparent that you haven't done it and until you do, and really understand the power and consequences of bigsurf, you discussion here is rather invalid.