Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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u think you can survive wearing a helmet longpants, shoes and gloves in 30ft surf??

Again Sally....if my chute would have not opened just 1 of 120 logged skydives.....then I would not be here typing as well.

I understand the risk.


the reason u think that its not a big deal is because u have no clue what u are talking about..that fact that u compare landing on your head from 20ft to getting smashed by a 30ft wave shows you have NO knowledge of the ocean and frankly u dont belong in it


Not Dead - Notable Member
Hell, Florida
I think it's pretty easy to see both sides of this.

Can a guy who's been riding for a while ride in big surf conditions and stay away from the breaks. Sure, he could ride the rollers and stay over by the shoulders and say he rode in it.

I don't know if matt is talking about dropping in like a surfer and doing bottom turns.

I know I don't want to do it. I've been held under, I've had waves crash on me just as I thought I was going to get air. I know I don't float in deep aerated white water.
the reason u think that its not a big deal is because u have no clue what u are talking about..that fact that u compare landing on your head from 20ft to getting smashed by a 30ft wave shows you have NO knowledge of the ocean and frankly u dont belong in it

I understand a 3 foot wave in Lake Erie barely moves my ski on the beach yet a 8" ocean wave flips my ski over.

I understand waves.

I do think it is a BIG BIG deal sally. But I would ride them.


Creative RE Purchasing
the is comedy at its best...

i've been rolled up in 10-12 footers and it was probably the worst experience of my life. i seriously thought i had about 1 more minute to live. i kept getting smashed over and over.

that alone makes me so cautious it is not even funny.

Madmatt, i don't think you understand how serious it is to ride in big surf... i guess you won't understand until you are in it too.


steals hub caps from cars
Site Supporter
at peace
Noting like sipping my coffee in the morning to an interweb fight....

I wouldn't call it a fight.



seriously i will give u my superjet if u show me a picture of yourself riding a wave that is a legitimate 15ft have to be riding the wave. and it has to be actually breaking .not in front of it
the is comedy at its best...

i've been rolled up in 10-12 footers and it was probably the worst experience of my life. i seriously thought i had about 1 more minute to live. i kept getting smashed over and over.

that alone makes me so cautious it is not even funny.

Madmatt, i don't think you understand how serious it is to ride in big surf... i guess you won't understand until you are in it too.

yup.... I've been rolled and pounded in hurricane surf so bad that I thought I was gonna black out before I got air... It's a life changer, for sure.


Creative RE Purchasing
yup.... I've been rolled and pounded in hurricane surf so bad that I thought I was gonna black out before I got air... It's a life changer, for sure.

yup... makes me maintain my boat so much than I had ever before. After that incident I sent all my electrical to JSS to be bulletproofed.

Defiantly life changing. I don't even mess around now... all my riding buddies will tell you I am about the least daring rider out of our group... but I don't care. I love living.
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I was rolled in 13's....thought I was gonna die....I was sucked down a whirlpool in the Niagara...thought I was gonna die.....

I still ride and I feel like going bigger now than ever before so why not shred some 20-30s.


Creative RE Purchasing
I was rolled in 13's....thought I was gonna die....I was sucked down a whirlpool in the Niagara...thought I was gonna die.....

I still ride and I feel like going bigger now than ever before so why not shred some 20-30s.

Although I cannot say for certain b/c I have not been in lake surf, I would almost bet anything your 13 footer is nothing like our pacific ocean 13 footers when it it comes to intensity.

If you almost die in 13 foot, you most likely die for sure in 30 footers... why risk your life... you must not appreciate it.
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Although I cannot say for certain b/c I have not been in lake surf, I would almost bet anything your 13 footer is nothing like our pacific ocean 13 footers when it it comes to intensity.

they arnt even close..the difference between a wave with a 12 sec period and a 20sec period is HUGE let alone 5sec slop to a long period NW swell
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