so why would you not at least just go ride in 20 to 30's?
Just shred and dodge and surf!
Because he's actually done it before. Have you?
so why would you not at least just go ride in 20 to 30's?
Just shred and dodge and surf!
u think you can survive wearing a helmet longpants, shoes and gloves in 30ft surf??
I understand the risk.
Because he's actually done it before. Have you?
the reason u think that its not a big deal is because u have no clue what u are talking about..that fact that u compare landing on your head from 20ft to getting smashed by a 30ft wave shows you have NO knowledge of the ocean and frankly u dont belong in it
Noting like sipping my coffee in the morning to an interweb fight....
the is comedy at its best...
i've been rolled up in 10-12 footers and it was probably the worst experience of my life. i seriously thought i had about 1 more minute to live. i kept getting smashed over and over.
that alone makes me so cautious it is not even funny.
Madmatt, i don't think you understand how serious it is to ride in big surf... i guess you won't understand until you are in it too.
yup.... I've been rolled and pounded in hurricane surf so bad that i thought i was gonna black out before i got air... It's a life changer, for sure.
dosnt this look like fun??..keep in mind this is warm water..todos on a nice chilly morning??..good luck holding your breath for more than 10sec..what a joke
yup.... I've been rolled and pounded in hurricane surf so bad that I thought I was gonna black out before I got air... It's a life changer, for sure.
I was rolled in 13's....thought I was gonna die....I was sucked down a whirlpool in the Niagara...thought I was gonna die.....
I still ride and I feel like going bigger now than ever before so why not shred some 20-30s.
Although I cannot say for certain b/c I have not been in lake surf, I would almost bet anything your 13 footer is nothing like our pacific ocean 13 footers when it it comes to intensity.