Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
wow ..... that vid was pretty insane. surprised that guy didn't die.

madmat i have been in 15 footers and been rolled 3 times in a row. its no fun. ive been in 20 footers too... not fun. they are like houses coming at you. the most you can do to jump them is drop off the backside.

the creepiest part is when you get split up from the rest of your group in a valley of waves and can't see anyone else. then you realize your life could easily be at risk if even the slightest thing goes wrong.

i will take 5-8 foot waves that are clean and spread out all day over anything else. leave the big ones to the guys without care for their own life and limb.
NOBODY rides that. That's the point.

But anyhow, come on out.
I got a place for you to stay.

Oh man that is a killer offer and the same goes to you if you ever want to come to Cleveland (Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!).

Korn and I may have to plan a road trip.
wow ..... that vid was pretty insane. surprised that guy didn't die.

madmat i have been in 15 footers and been rolled 3 times in a row. its no fun. ive been in 20 footers too... not fun. they are like houses coming at you. the most you can do to jump them is drop off the backside.

the creepiest part is when you get split up from the rest of your group in a valley of waves and can't see anyone else. then you realize your life could easily be at risk if even the slightest thing goes wrong.

i will take 5-8 foot waves that are clean and spread out all day over anything else. leave the big ones to the guys without care for their own life and limb.

I prefer 6 to 8's as well. I am just being very very clear that I will ride 20's to whatevers all day any day. I'm not saying I'm gonna go out and do 30 foot stabs or even anything but I will most gladly go out and shred amongst the best CLEAN monsters mother nature can dish out! Again on my ski...prepped by me.......

I would never surf anything because I have never surfed.


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at peace
To clear this up one more time - my limit is 10-12 foot. I don't know what I am doing, mostly, and I don't want anyone thinking otherwise.
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lol dude u are clueless

Wow great comeback Sally.

According to you I'm a wuss that can get beat up by surfers that can't ride anything over 13 footers in a lake.

Therefore I feel justified in retaliating by calling you your nickname (to me) of Sally in all future thread conversations.
and thats why you dont know what you are talking having a hard time believing you are being serious in your posts..u must know better than that

Um...yea...I know better than to go in to a 30 with no power McFly. I'm not a surfer....I'm a moto-surfer.


yup im a "sally" haha

Matt, dude, you are way off base here.... It's like saying you can go play NBA ball just because you can shoot rounds w/ your friends at the local park...

Don't discount the years of knowledge it takes to become a waterman. I don't claim to be anything close and I have been in real 20ft surf in Oregon and it was way too much for me. If you are saying that you could go out and run from waves w/o dying, you may be correct, but is it smart or worth it?? NO!!!

Randy Laine actually left right after that wave and went home because he scared the :):):):) out of himself and felt he got in over his head...
Cool can ride 15's .

You must be exceptional I guess..... probably hardly anyone can do that.

dude, please stop the garbage talk... You would never put yourself that deep in any wave... It takes lots of practice to get to that point. Trust me I have been working on getting deep like that for a long time and it's the scariest place to be... THat wave he is on would make your ass pucker bro... trust me
Sallys....I'm not saying I would not be on edge.

I am saying I would ride any wave I have seen anyone ride in any pics I have ever seen. Period.

Whether or not it is foolish or whether or not I live to talk about it is besides the point. I am just saying I would go out and ride them.

And please don't bring up basketball....I SUCK at that......but I have been riding stand up since I was 13 and I feel very confident I could ride those waves.
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I don't have sound. Did that I guy survive it? If so I guess it is survivable....if not then accidents happen. I would never ever be in that chit without power!


I don't have sound. Did that I guy survive it? If so I guess it is survivable....if not then accidents happen. I would never ever be in that chit without power!

whats power gonna do for you when your getting ragdolled 30ft underwater for 2min?? and yea its survivable for guys that have a lifetime of experience in situations like that and train for years for times like i said before..its not something you just go out and do cause it will be the last thing u do guaranteed..if you have taken a serious beating in the ocean and had the feeling of being complementary helpless and close to drowning you would understand
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This thread delivers. :bananapowerslide:
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