Any one up for riding some 30'+ waves?

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nope...ive been surfing for my entire life and am in the water 5+days a week and i know when im in over my head..triple overhead is about as big as i feel somehwat comfortable in...ive also almost drowned in waves that are 15ft...the fact that u even compare short period windslop to a wave at todos shows your inexperience
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OK so YOU almost died in 15 footers here?

And I didn't say the waves are not more powerful and deadly.....I meant I can shred all day in back to back 13's so can shred all day in 30's that are a 1/4 friggin mile apart.
you do understand your pump wouldnt even hook up in the 5foot deep foam inbetween waves right??

Um...yes...I have ridden in salty waves. I understand what to watch for and I am telling you I would ride those waves. Without hesitation or question.


OK so YOU almost died in 15 footers here?

And I didn't say the waves are not more powerful and deadly.....I meant I can shred all day in back to back 13's so can shred all day in 30's that are a 1/4 friggin mile apart.

:laugh2: dude matt i like u man but your really talking out your ass right now
No I'm not. Skydiving bored me. Crotch rockets bore me. Big waves thrill me.

I would ride anything anyone on this board rides. And apparently more than some!


Um...yes...I have ridden in salty waves. I understand what to watch for and I am telling you I would ride those waves. Without hesitation or question.

it has nothing to do with salt water or has to do with more water moving around than u have ever seen...u seriously think u are in better physical shape and have more knowledge of the ocean than the pro surfers that dont surf those spots cause its too dangerous??
Dude they have the skill to do it but they are scared to do it I guess....if other are riding it i mean......only they can overcome that and if they choose not to then what do I care. I would ride them.


No I'm not. Skydiving bored me. Crotch rockets bore me. Big waves thrill me.

I would ride anything anyone on this board rides. And apparently more than some!

and ill tell u nobody on this board will ride that is cheap..not to mention you guys would get beat down if u even showed up at a world class bigwave spot and tried to ride a stupid jetski
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So now I would get beat up by some Spicollis and I can't ride those waves huh?

And you say you like me? LOL.


Dude they have the skill to do it but they are scared to do it I guess....if other are riding it i mean......only they can overcome that and if they choose not to then what do I care. I would ride them.

the reason you arnt scared is because you dont know what u are talking about.. seriously u need to stop..your not impressing anyone with your "bravery"..
So when are you coming out to the West coast? (Serious question)

I have no plans:(

It would take Korn and a small miracle to get me and my beloved ski out there.

But have zero doubt that I would back away from anything you West Coasters ride. My God man.


i have no plans:(

it would take korn and a small miracle to get me and my beloved ski out there.

But have zero doubt that i would back away from anything you west coasters ride. My god man.

nobody rides/ has ridden jetskis in those waves besides randy and joe....THATS WHAT U ARNT UNDERSTANDING


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I have no plans:(

It would take Korn and a small miracle to get me and my beloved ski out there.

But have zero doubt that I would back away from anything you West Coasters ride. My God man.

NOBODY rides that. That's the point.

But anyhow, come on out.
I got a place for you to stay.
the reason you arnt scared is because you dont know what u are talking about.. seriously u need to stop..your not impressing anyone with your "bravery"..

Hey Sally I'm in here with you and MattE basically and I am not out to impress you or Matt.

I would ride anything Matt rides and clearly more than you will.

Good grief man.


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at peace
Hey Sally I'm in here with you and MattE basically and I am not out to impress you or Matt.

I would ride anything Matt rides and clearly more than you will.

Good grief man.

Whoa, misunderstanding here - I am not out to toot my horn or riding skills.
I barely have any.

I've been out in 15ft surf, and that was a dumbass-mistake on my part because I didn't know better.

At Surf Slam, I did not go out on Day 2 and 3 because I felt conditions were far beyond my skills levels.
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