Anyone Fit a Blaster Mod Chamber in a SJ?

I thought I remembered seeing this done by someone a while back, but does anyone know how to fit a Blaster Factory B Pipe with a Mod chamber in a Superjet or other aftermarket hull set up like a Superjet? I think there is clearance, but the outlet of the chamber on the Blaster Mod pipe comes out in a different location. Any help/advice would be appreciated. 1722826884967.jpeg


wannabe backflipper
gold coast
Use an sxr chamber. They are easier to fit and you have the out let headed in the right direction. Just a bit of hammering and you are done

i believe this kit will work with the b1 chamber. i have new one sitting around from a project i never used id sell.
I think that's what I need. I'm looking to see if I can fit it in a Tigercraft Viper. Can you PM me with what you have to have for it? Thank you.
You can also use the stock sj stinger to waterbox hose with a bushing on the stinger. I have a tnt ss chamber that is very similar to the blaster mod. You'll need to slightly massage the chamber where it rides against the hull about 2 inches from the coupler ring. I purchased the silicone hose and aluminum pipe from Amazon to connect the pipe to the waterbox. Total cost was around 70 bucks.


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