Anyone Ride Glassy water, near the freezing point?


walking on water
One of the phenomenons I've been noticing the past few years, is riding glassy water near the freezing point. I ride until the ice comes, and many times the water is sitting at 32 degrees prior to that.

This glassy ultra cooled water seems to not act like warm glassy summer water.

1. The reflection is so perfect, you have a hard time telling reality from imaginary. This can really throw off your center on the water, and is usually the culprit when you get bucked off(misjudged distance and turn apogee).
2. The surface tension of the water seems to be much greater. I'm not sure how to say this, but the water acts like it doesn't want to splash/separate?

3. I swear the water moves and reacts slower. I know molecules act odd when they get close to the state change.....

Any one else relate?
"Molecules are constantly moving because they have energy. In a liquid form, water molecules have more energy than in a solid – they move around quickly, essentially bouncing off of one another. As the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower. When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice"


Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
"Molecules are constantly moving because they have energy. In a liquid form, water molecules have more energy than in a solid – they move around quickly, essentially bouncing off of one another. As the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower. When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice"

Had to go and get politically correct here on us didn't cha!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


Site Supporter
I can't explain in words just how happy I am that I've never experienced what your referring to lol Brrrrr
You do out of sheer boredom when you live in places where you only get 3-5 months of summerish weather. I'm from SE Nebraska and we used to ride lakes and rivers with our dry suits and gear in the winter. Jumping and sliding across ice sheets was crazy fun. The spray when it freezes on your ski and your suit look


walking on water
2 and 3 are because the water is almost frozen, More of a slushy mix. The water molecules are bonding together making it "Thick"
I guess the best way to think about is, the molecules are slush and we can't see it yet. I read up on water viscosity more. It's quite interesting right at 32/0 freezing, even compared to 34 degrees. There was a mythbuster episode about super heated water(above 212/100). They used a microwave to get there though. I ride a river, so there's always current somewhere.



walking on water
"Molecules are constantly moving because they have energy. In a liquid form, water molecules have more energy than in a solid – they move around quickly, essentially bouncing off of one another. As the liquid cools down, the amount of potential energy is reduced and the molecules start to move slower. When the water temperature reaches around 0°C, the molecules stick together and form a solid – ice"

I didn't think humans could notice the difference. But now seeing the numbers, I'm not crazy. The viscosity is MUCH lower at 32.
I've only been out in the conditions your describing afew times. I can relate to all three points. My additional favourite was the ice that you thought was liquid, breaking up and skipping accross the more frozen ice. Made for one hell of a day. Think that was Boxing Day 2015.


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walking on water
I've only been out in the conditions your describing afew times. I can relate to all three points. My additional favourite was the ice that you thought was liquid, breaking up and skipping accross the more frozen ice. Made for one hell of a day. Think that was Boxing Day 2015.
I rode into a bay this December, which I thought started to thaw. It was just water on the top. Ended up having to bust my way out of that one. I have not slid across ice yet.


Urban redneck
You do out of sheer boredom when you live in places where you only get 3-5 months of summerish weather. I'm from SE Nebraska and we used to ride lakes and rivers with our dry suits and gear in the winter. Jumping and sliding across ice sheets was crazy fun. The spray when it freezes on your ski and your suit look
I grew up in upstate NY before I knew about jetskis and motorcycles. Did the whole cut a hole in ice and jump in to swim crap. Now I live in AZ and want nothing to do with cold besides vacations and day trips up north to go skiing.


walking on water
I grew up in upstate NY before I knew about jetskis and motorcycles. Did the whole cut a hole in ice and jump in to swim crap. Now I live in AZ and want nothing to do with cold besides vacations and day trips up north to go skiin
You do out of sheer boredom when you live in places where you only get 3-5 months of summerish weather. I'm from SE Nebraska and we used to ride lakes and rivers with our dry suits and gear in the winter. Jumping and sliding across ice sheets was crazy fun. The spray when it freezes on your ski and your suit look

People who complain about the weather are boring. I'll take two months of snow and cold, over any of the smog, fires, water shortages, or hurricanes the rest of the country deals with. We get all seasons, sometimes in the same day.

How would I ever get caught up on "indoor" hobbies if winter didn't exist?....


Urban redneck
ok, had to make myself stop watching that!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I have no idea why thats so captivating but I couldn't stop.
As for being boring, I don't have smog to deal with. Fires don't come into town so don't care, Water shortages are for people who drink water, which I don't lol. As for hurricanes, we'd be so lucky to get that kind of rain around here! :D
Winterizing skis. Rusted trucks 10 yrs old. Busted pipes. Stuck inside with the ol hag all day. No thanks.

I'll take the fires. And the droughts. Although they suck. I still was able to gain a grasp of water temp differences with my meager California experience.

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walking on water
Winterizing skis. Rusted trucks 10 yrs old. Busted pipes. Stuck inside with the ol hag all day. No thanks.

I'll take the fires. And the droughts. Although they suck. I still was able to gain a grasp of water temp differences with my meager California experience.

Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
I think you're missing the point, Mr. I'm from California and everyone knows it now. No one is "stuck" inside, unless they're boring.

Snowmobiles, Skiing, Hockey, Ice Fishing, Sledding. Maybe you've heard of them. I keep the RC track clear all winter since I'm usually too busy in the Summer for it.

Perspective. My 14 year Suburban has some body rust, but it's at 266k and will hit 300k in less than 2 years. Runs and drives great. I sell them after they hit 300k.
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