Art's Semi-BlackJacked SX-R mods


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If you got an SXR, you're either not worried about fuel consumption at all, or you're extremely worried.

No in-between. :biggrin:
I am well aware of how big of a gas guzzler my SXR is. We do certain rides to where I make it back just when I hit reserve. I was just curious to how much more it consumes. If it is a whole lot, then I would be running out of gas at the back of the lake and it will not be a worth while mod for me. If it is just a little more than the norm, I should be good to go. My buddy with Novi 48's consumption is just ridiculously stupid. About half of the range of my stock carbs.
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After getting mine done I can't see a single carb hitting better. The biggest difference I saw was the much better hit and the midrange to top speed takes a lot less time to tach out. I don't see a big increase in fuel consuption over when they were stock. What I do see is if I run it hard like chasing somebody on a bouy course for a long time it will use some good fuel. At cruise I don't notice anymore than when they were stock. I did get mine diled in the test tank so I am sure that hepls over being set too rich.
After getting mine done I can't see a single carb hitting better. The biggest difference I saw was the much better hit and the midrange to top speed takes a lot less time to tach out. I don't see a big increase in fuel consuption over when they were stock. What I do see is if I run it hard like chasing somebody on a bouy course for a long time it will use some good fuel. At cruise I don't notice anymore than when they were stock. I did get mine diled in the test tank so I am sure that hepls over being set too rich.
Thanks for the input!!
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