back injury

looking for exersices i can do at home every day to help my herniated disk.i think they said it an L4 . when it goes out i can hardly walk for 3 -7 days at a time. Any help would be great, and by the way im 29 years old and out of shape.
Dude you need to go buy an inversion table today.

When your back acts up just hang upside down for 10 or 20 minutes.


Just plain me....
I use this dvd - it has 2 levels of exercises on it. Without going into a huge explaination of my back problems, I know exactly what you are talking about when you say you can't walk. I feel so much better when I am consistant with doing my exercises & can tell a HUGE difference in my riding, or should I say the after effects of a hard day of riding. Like Matt said, an inversion table will work great too - just make sure you use it correctly. You can actually cause more damage by improper use. Drink plenty of water & lay off the caffiene. If you are out of shape, it is very important that you strengthen your core muscles, which is explained in the dvd.

There are lots of exercises you can do even without the dvd. PM me if you want some pointers.

and BTW.....did your doc not give you any exercises to do or suggest any sort of PT?
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ive had back problems for over 15 years, until i got an inversion table. it took a few months before i noticed the effects, but wow.... i havent been this painless in a long time.

I had one of those upside down thingy's. Didnt do anything for me. Stretch for ten minute before you even get out of bed.


Power and Agility
All I can say is start swimming, strengthening your core(lower back, obliques, abdominals), get your butt in gear(do hip circles, x band walks, and glute bridges), and stretch daily(Both static and dynamic)!!!!!!!

Inversion table can also help, but make sure you build up time on it before you do longer hangs!!!!!
do you have a good bed? I noticed alot of back problems as there was a slight dip in my mattress....

i fixed the dip and away went the back pain...

my back problems dissappeared after we got a new mattress and box spring too. this was right around the same time that i was using the inversion table. good call.


Louisville, Ky
I messed my back up a few months ago and it haunts me from time to time. I was weighing a motor a few days ago and picked it up off the ground...........OUCH!!! I was pissed, my back "went out" and it took me a good 3 days before I could walk normally. Doc mentioned an inversion talbe abd focus on abs and back crunches to strengthen the muscles around the spine.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
DRX 9000

Can be expensive but insurance will cover it. I've heard good things. A friend runs a place that has one in the tampa bay area FL, but I don't know the details.

I typed DRX 9000 in google and this is the 1st link, has some info, you can check it out.
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