Custom/Hybrid Backie Chan thread of awesomeness...

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WoW!! i bet you this people wouldn't be pissed off if you took the time and put all the s hit in the plate now its too deep i dont know if you will ever get back up

I imagine it was hard for Steve to come forward and write his statement, I'm sure many appreciate this communication. Hopefully he gets everything settled up and worked out!

Christian83, has Steve settled up with you on some of the money?
Thats what's great bout being American we love a good come back story. Glad your fighting through it steve. Hated to c the Chan's and phantoms put on the back burner. Always like the look of the hulls. Hopefully get to ride a chan this summer. Props to u for comeing on here in front of your peers and manning up. Much respect for that. Get on track love to c some bad ass paint jobs. I know u got a new family. I know its hard raising a family. Couldnt imagine trying to raise a new company as well. Trying to figure out best way to build these hulls. To have a good quality product. Good luck

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Steve PLEASE share the date and time for when i gost most Of my money from your paypal?? This is BS!
I have got some money back from my BANK! Not a Dime from you, but please share a date and time for the paypal payback and i Will screendump my paypal to see if i got any money?
And for the record you did nothing for my other than Being rude, telling it's MY fault that your Rep Was ruined.
When are you sending the money i still have in your pocket? Please lets make and official date and time so everyone Can follow this and see how it plays out.


No. Not a single Dime, ive got some from the bank, but still missing 2000usd.
So Steve, please give me and everyone a date for when you Will send me that money. When that happen, se all Can be happy and put this behind us. But not 1 minute before i got all my money back and you personal send it to my through paypal and show me that effort.
And btw what is the obvious im not showing or telling?
I imagine it was hard for Steve to come forward and write his statement, I'm sure many appreciate this communication. Hopefully he gets everything settled up and worked out!

Christian83, has Steve settled up with you on some of the money?
so this whole time you been claiming you got nothing back out of your 5500 usd, when actually you did get $3500 back? why didnt you say that he now only owed you $2000? steve said he aint been paid on the bikes yet, so how is he going to give you a date he'll pay you off? i know this aint none of my business, but this is the kind of crap that pisses me off, cause i've been there. only the partial story gets told so all the sympathetic onlookers all jump in and beat the big bad wolf down. steves a young idiot but he is a good guy. i think he'll take care of it.


I Said Steve never Paid me back nor did he do ANYTHING proactive to set this straight. So i didnt say that the "only" owed me 2000usd, because he had no intention og giving me any money back, and it's only my own "luck" and hard Work that got me some Of my money back. But insted og defensivt Steve your buddy, let him come with the Info and evidence to back up he is doing something, just something to send me my money, other than comming with smart and provoking comments

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A good guy with never ever had chit go this far. I had an issue with my Bob 3 hull, i Was taken Care of within a few days, we settled - case closed. I didnt make a thread about that and Think they handled it very pro. Unlike Steve

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steve told me and others that his paypal account was in the neg $3500 from a white hull that a claim was filed on and then another $5500 from you or your banks claim. so, you got $3500 from your bank, but steve still owes you $5500 cause supposedly the $3500 didnt come out of his pocket, but from your banks pocket? do you seriously expect us to believe your bank just gave you that money without jerking the carpet out from under somebody eles? paypal? i said he was a young idiot. does he need to be bumped up to retard status for you? he doesnt usually do the right thing.







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I know the money is drawn from Steves account (as they should be) BUT, this is all my effort. Steve has done NOTHING to give me my money back other than making empty promises and Tell me to "keep digging". Please show me a Message were you are telling me that you Will send me my money and a screendump Of your paypal saying you have send me any money.
Oh yeah, and you didnt act on the dispute from better business bureau, you didnt even answer Them, even though you told me on fb - that you would send me my money back when they resolved the claim. That didnt happen Either
And for the record and everyone here, be kind and give me a date and time for when YOU Will transfer my last 2000usd back? When this is done i Will Call this case closed and lay it behind me. Until Then you have DONE NOTHING to set this situation right.

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...chaos? Its Fair!
Christian you have a right to be pissed. Yes Steve licoriceed up a lot But he did give you 3500 regardless of how it came about ending up back in your hands. He is in the wrong for this and he knows. Don't kick a man while he's down it only adds gas to the fire.
Christian you have a right to be pissed. Yes Steve I used a bad worded up a lot But he did give you 3500 regardless of how it came about ending up back in your hands. He is in the wrong for this and he knows. Don't kick a man while he's down it only adds gas to the fire.

Lesson for the day from Uncle WB .... dont catch on fire around people who you constantly piss off.

Secondly if paypal refunded money to someone that does not in any way mean it came from the person at fault. Niether does it mean that person at fault has to pay Paypal back. If Christian had paid by cash he would be seeing zero dollars right now. All Steve is out is a paypal account. If he wants it back he has to pay Paypal back that money ..... or start a new Paypal accout and not pay it back.


Steve did not pay me, VISA Pulled the money from Dteves account because he did not deliver as promised. Steve has done nothing. Im stil waiting for Steve to give me a official date when he is sending my 2000usd back BY HIM SELF. Seriuosly, im kicking a guy ok the ground?. WB hit the nail, if i Paid by cash i would see nothing at the moment

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...chaos? Its Fair!
They would all be singing a different tune if it was there $
Just sayin, carry on.

I know. I would be too. I would be feeling better knowing I got 3500 back but still pissed I'm out 2000. After hearing most of the story from Steve and christian I feel like he will make it right may not be tomorrow or next week but in the end it would work out. I'm not trying to defend Steve because there are 1000 ways he could have handled this better but him manning up and trying to dump some water on the blaze is what I consider a small step in the right direction trying to make it right. Hopefully this time he holds to his word and proves us and history wrong and makes it right.
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