barney. the 94 SN 701.

WOOOPS thats why shes so heavy!! Time to defoam and cut in some footholds! cuttray.jpg

foam was soakkkked!!!! Much more motivated when i can see that im shedding a lot of wasted weight! defoam.jpg
sooooo much foam.... almost there... almostdonefoam.jpg

Never done this sort of thing before. So any tips/trips appreciated!! Best place to buy foam(2part expanding?)? How many hydroturf sheets should i get( may do rails and chinpad...)

Thanks for following:) bring on the sunshine...


Buy a Superjet
Check out my thread in my signature. You might as well widen the tray, add footholds and shorten her a few inches too. :)
Wicked responses. Thanks. And sweet I'll check you're thread quinc.

I'll get back to digging out that soggy foam and prepping tomorrow! Any other tips/tricks while I'm at it is much appreciated


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Skip 2-part foam! Soaks up water eventually leading u back to this point. Get a sheet of polystyrene and cut it in sections and jam as much in there as will fit. PITA but it won't hold any water. Put two small drains in rear for tray. When it's jammed full and the tray section needs to be replaced take some two part foam to drizzle over the polystyrene and then set the cut out tray piece in place and hold it down with a cinder block or a >25# dumbell. Let it setup, the. Glass it all down with 2-3 layers of large sheets of biax that covers the floor and overlaps into footholds.

Widen tray

Add foot holds...Tom 21 or Superfreak holds if ur going fixed

Shorten hull 4" in rear. Easy mod. Adds maybe 2 days to ur project.

Definitely 2 sheets if ur new to turfing...if ur good, 1 will do but Ull eventually use the second for other projects.

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TigerCraft FV-PRO
What @Pablo said. I used polystyrene, then 2 part foam to lock everything together, then added a drain, works great, years later, still no water in tray area . I also used 5200 on all the seams inside the tray.
wicked thanks again guys. Any recommendations on how thick of underpad to get?? And where is a good place as a one stop shop for stuff like turf/foam, etc.?

Newbie alert!... how does this drain get added....:oops:


TigerCraft FV-PRO
You can order straight from hydro-turf. I run B-stock to save a little $$. I prefer 25mm underpad.

As for drain, I installed a stainless steel thread insert.


pew pew lazers!
So Utah
pink polycrapene from HD is the shizzlewizzle.

i have a drain on mine, $3 amazon boat drain. seals good, drips a little bit out after longer rides. leaving it open in 100F weather for days on end surely dries it out 99.9%.

Also, widen the tray, and put in footholds. i dont have pictures of mine but its so much nicer. i also dropped the footwells 1inch below the pump cavity and you can totally feel the difference in COG.
Beauty!! I'll pick up some polystyrene at home Depot.

Where's a good place to get some 2 part foam? And how much should I get?? Hoping to do a one stop shop:)!


Karma Enforcer
West Michigan
if you want the one stop shop, hit JetManiac up; he should have everything you need there i think or can get it for your order. A lot of people use US composites to buy fiberglass supplies and expanding foam.
Got back at it a bit. How well formed does one cut in the polystyrene foam? Vertical stacking seems best? And should I top it all off with 2 part foam or ?? Cheers!!!


sqeez bth levrs & lean bk
Site Supporter
Long vertically stacked sections of polystyrene is best way to place it. The vertical arrangement allows the water that enters the tray area to be directed to the rear tray drains (U should be installing). It doesn't have to be precise, just put as much in there as will fit. There will be plenty of small sections that need to be cut and spliced. Just jam it all in there.

Yes to drizzling 2part foam over the top once ur ready to replace the cutout tray section. Don't put a bunch on there, just enough to lock it down and grab onto tray piece. Hold it down with something very heavy...bricks, dumbells, etc.

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That's beauty thanks Pablo.

Wouldn't it be useless to pour the 2 part foam on top if it does leak again? I do not want to do this in the near future haha.

I see a lot of different "drain plugs" .. what do you all recommend?



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