

Tonight's treat, delicious


walking on water
I drink PBR in between IPAs, helps to keep the percentage down..
had to give up the high test good IPA's........kept getting blackout drunk during weeknights, so back to sierra nevada it is lol

Hopalicious is my go to, so damn good and available everywhere locally. I drive home three hours and it's crazy how much different one tastes after sitting for a few months waiting to be drank. Guessing my supply is quite fresh, being a local beer here in Madison.

Fro Diesel

creative control
So the government regulates what's in our food via the FDA. Anyone want to guess who regulates what's in your beer.

Right, The Department of Treasury.

Fro Diesel

creative control
it's not the ATF?
You would think they should, with an annual budget of 1.15billion and 4700 employees. Afterall, it is the first word in their acronym.

But Nope, now go back to playing zelda!

And remember, no manufacture of BEER has to tell you whats in it. Flouride water, fish bladders, antifreeze, airplane deicing chemicals, BPA to line the can, etc. If you are drinking cheap beer you might be poisoning yourself, but who knows? manufacturers are not required to tell you, why would they waste the ink?
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