Best charger for agm battery,DEKA<ODDYSEE


Power and Agility
I got my replacement in the other day, tested it on my vector battery charger(2,6, and 10 amp charge) and it tested at 12.7 volts just like the manual said. Seems to be working well so far. We will see after I pull it after this riding season.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I dont remember you ever charging one correctly, sorry MattE.

So one failure and some bad costumer service, gotcha.

what charger were you using on the one that was charged as specified?

Matt_E said:
Not sure what to tell you. Both batteries were used within spec, one was charged out of spec.
Both took a dump.

Odyssey doesn't honor their warranty.

Conclusion? I wouldnt' recommend Odyssey batteries to anyone.


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at peace
A constant voltage type charger, 10A max, declining with increasing charge. Voltage never over 14.2 volts.

Seems like specified charging to me? What made you think I didn't charge the second one correctly?


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I just remembered you talking about the same charger that I have, the grey and black one from Wally Mart.

I never remembered you talking about a different one.

the specs actually call for between 14.2-15 volts, you were right at the bottom of the spec.

are you sure it never went below 14.2 volts?, I cant imagine that small diffference hurting though, other than with hundreds of cycles.

now that you dont need that fancy charger anymore, do you wantto sell it?


also, I seein your other post you are saying the pc625 never gave you the daily service life of the jetworks.

SuperJett used to always tell me he could get a full day of riding out of his -c625 with total loss.

I guess though 4-6 hours of ride time is pretty much a full day.

Matt_E said:
A constant voltage type charger, 10A max, declining with increasing charge. Voltage never over 14.2 volts.

Seems like specified charging to me? What made you think I didn't charge the second one correctly?
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at peace
That gray Walmart charger was the one I had for the first battery, and for the first week on the second one, I think.
It's actually not fancy. It has only one switch on it. Rather old-style.
I think I'll keep it around for charging car batteries.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
I was asking about the constant voltage charger you used on the second battery.


oh, and you are saying you charged the other battery with that 'bad' charger too?



Matt_E said:
That gray Walmart charger was the one I had for the first battery, and for the first week on the second one, I think.
It's actually not fancy. It has only one switch on it. Rather old-style.
I think I'll keep it around for charging car batteries.


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at peace
I admit, I did that about twice (going from 85% -100% load). Not sure that would damage it for life. Seriously, I am fairly certain that those automatic "fancy" chargers go into overvoltage mode only when they "sense" the battery needs it, not very early on in battery life.

Oh, and I was talking about the constant volt charger, as well. I returned the fancy one to Walmart LOOOOONG ago.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
thats the thing the pc625 has much lower internal resistance than a normal battery doesnt it?

did your 'fancy' charger from walmart have a 25 amp setting?

Matt_E said:
I admit, I did that about twice (going from 85% -100% load). Not sure that would damage it for life. Seriously, I am fairly certain that those automatic "fancy" chargers go into overvoltage mode only when they "sense" the battery needs it, not very early on in battery life.

Oh, and I was talking about the constant volt charger, as well. I returned the fancy one to Walmart LOOOOONG ago.


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at peace
Yes...see other thread, it was the SC-2500. Seeing how both my battery failures had the same symptoms, and same battery life, I really think it was mechanical.


Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ
OK just put a little thought into this- forget about a TL system.
On a standard watercraft charging system- is it a regulated rectifier? Even if it is I can be 95% certain that it does not fall into the charging specs from Odyssey. So even with a $200 uber charger, you're still charging the battery incorrectly when running your ski.


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at peace
The stock charging system is likely a clamped rectifier, which will - very effectively, and with little components - limit the charging voltage.
That takes care of that.
And with a properly working stock charging system, deep discharges are likely not something you have to worry about.


Just SJBri = no more XP
Northern, NJ
The thing is, it's set to a predetermined charging amperage. The factor that causes the charging cylce to begin is the battery voltage <12.5 will trigger it to come on, once it brings the battery back up (charging at 14+ volts, and ? amps)
it stops charging. It takes nothing more than cranking the motor over a few times before you're below 12.5.


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at peace
I don't believe it's even that complicated. I think it's an always - on circuit, with demand-adjusted current.
can we get some pics or models of the chargers you guys are talking about? I posted the one I bought and so far it seems to do a very good job charging at 10 amps when the voltage is low in the battery,and 2.2 amps when its high,voltage never went over 14.5


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at peace
That's all you need then, according to Odyssey. And really, that emulates what a charging system on your craft does.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
it is supposed to never go below 14.2 volts, and never over 14.7 volts.

for the ody pc625, I have no idea on any others.

this is one of the ones reccommended by hawker ody and also the one that MattE used.

this is the one that I have ( next smaller model) it is NOT recommended to charge a pc625, luckily I dont run a Total Loss ignition.

Matt_E said:
That's all you need then, according to Odyssey. And really, that emulates what a charging system on your craft does.
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at peace
I believe the stipulation of 14.2V < Vcharging < 14.7V applies only to deep cycle recharging, does it not?
You know, I am not sure why they recommend the SC2500, but not the SC-1200. After all, they both share the 10/12 amp recharge....what the hell?
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