Beware of Doogiesux..Courtney Moffatt..

No, you think I am a previous user of this message board, I am not.

I, however, think you are a twit who cannot spell or use proper grammar. Your posts read as if you let a toddler write them, which may not be a half bad idea, for the future.

The fact that your Myspace page (which looks like a Jackson Pollock painting) says you are college educated, begs the question "Hair or clown?"

Now back to the point, (you may require a guide dog to find it) I provided information, use it or do not, it is up to you what to do with it.
No, you think I am a previous user of this message board, I am not.
I, however, think you are a twit who cannot spell or use proper grammar. Your posts read as if you let a toddler write them, which may not be a half bad idea, for the future.

The fact that your Myspace page (which looks like a Jackson Pollock painting) says you are college educated, begs the question "Hair or clown?"

Now back to the point, (you may require a guide dog to find it) I provided information, use it or do not, it is up to you what to do with it.

don't get into a pissing match you can't or don't want to finish pal. last time i checked this was the internet and there were no rules governing the use of proper grammar. Secondly you must have entirely too much time on your hands to critique my myspace page. And the background is art which is open for interpretation. people thought da'vinci was a nut and look what his stuff is worth now.

and for you information i never went to clown or hair college, hands are too big for the scissors and they said i didn't fit in the clown car so put that in your pipe and smoke it. bring out whatever ammunition you want buddy. i got thick skin (literally and figuratively) and i don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon
First off, you were cheeky, so I returned it. Secondly, I do not wish you to go anywhere, this is your board, not mine.

I do not know anyone here, I only know Courtney through business dealings, (chances are he does not even have a memory of these) and that is how I found him "here." That he would fake a death by posting on a message board is laughable, and I certainly hope that you all know that he is not dead and is very much alive.

As for your MySpace, I see a link and I click on it, I cannot pass up the chance that there may be some gratuitous girlie pics.
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