so i order the stuff i NEED to get on the water this weekend monday moring before 12....i ordered some misc items as well as the gasket i need for my bpipe headpipe...i explain that i need them by the weekend and if anything else in the order was going to hold them up to ship the gasket seperatly..he says no problem everything will go out today...
well its now thursday and they just sent me the tracking # w/ an estimated time of delivery on monday!!!!...i always order from blowsion and they are usually very good w/ shipping..however this is the second time ina row they have done this......
i can live with them sending me the wrong sized hardware half the time..but when they say they are gonna get me something by the weekend i would expect that they do....
mabye ill rethink that jk hood and bracket i was going to buy for my rn project...oh well looks like ill be making a gasket tonight..
well its now thursday and they just sent me the tracking # w/ an estimated time of delivery on monday!!!!...i always order from blowsion and they are usually very good w/ shipping..however this is the second time ina row they have done this......
i can live with them sending me the wrong sized hardware half the time..but when they say they are gonna get me something by the weekend i would expect that they do....
mabye ill rethink that jk hood and bracket i was going to buy for my rn project...oh well looks like ill be making a gasket tonight..