Brigantine surf vid



rippin' like usual...

soooo..... sweet... :cool2::cool2::cool2:

your crew is so solid....

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
How easy is it to get your skis on the beach there? I'd love to take a trip down there some time, if your looking for more ppl to ride with.

You can launch from the beach on the inlet side but need a 4x4 permit. If you wanna ride give me a shout & I'll get you on the beach:wavey:
is it possible to get those videos (specifically the 2nd one) in another format so i'm not watching it on a 2" picture and maybe the quality would improve.

i'm computer stupid so not sure if it's a reasonable request, but like hosted somewhere (

i would like to learn the smoothness. great re-entries! both riders.


Chasing waves.
Daytona Beach
You can launch from the beach on the inlet side but need a 4x4 permit. If you wanna ride give me a shout & I'll get you on the beach:wavey:

Sweet, will do! If I get my other ski going (and you guys are riding) might take a trip down next weekend. Solid vids!

joe b

depth tester
northfield, nj
is it possible to get those videos (specifically the 2nd one) in another format so i'm not watching it on a 2" picture and maybe the quality would improve.

i would like to learn the smoothness. great re-entries! both riders.

Thanks for the props!!!

If you watch those from youtube you can make it full screen.
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