Broken DASA Power Valve


Purveyor of the Biggest Brapp
Yessir, but in the context peeps are speakin in, everyone should know what is implied, or do the posts need to be reduced to lawyer talk?

Bingo. You can have a cast billet, a forged billet, a hot rolled billet, a cold rolled billet, round or square or even a plastic billet etc. Billet basically means a block of material. It does not matter how/where/what process was used to create that block of material. I learned this the hard way when I was visiting a foundry and I spouted off about the glories of billet. I got a quick education that billet is not the holy grail. it's just a chunk of material. nothing more, nothing less.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
I want a Soda........

Do you want Coke or Pepsi

They are the same.

No They are not, Coke is one thing, Pepsi is different.

Just give me a damn Soda

Which kind?

They are the same.

actually, they are different.

No, They are not.

Yes, they are.

I said I want a Soda.
Did you get regular, curly, french cut, tater tots, mashed, or hash browns with that? Like, they're all so different, right? Cuz, like, really? You all act like it's not from the same potato.

Taters tate, yo. But, and really think about this, where did the taters start tateing?


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
#iconicsuperpoop For a guy that made a comment on what a joke this site has become?
Your certainly aiding in its continuance to stay as such! What side would you like to be on?
The side of chainging it? or the side of causing it to shut down??

A billet Giotine was NOT the cause of this failure. Its a result of a motor malfunction.
In all my time building these motors, the only breakage I have encountered are , incorrect install, which includes the correct clearance? Or piston impact! Then again, there were the GPR 1200 that were a maint failure direct from Yamaha.

While all this is fun and games internet crap, the OP from this tread posted truely looking for help!
Think about if one of you guys needed help and were blasted as a result?
Think about it?



Site Supporter
Sacramento Delta
yall are going to have to agree to disagree.

Facts: The PV is 6061-T6.
Facts: The PV is machined aluminum

Now whether you call it a billet or a cast doesn't really fkin matter.

Now we are getting somewhere! That is news we can use. Is 6061-T6 the best grade aluminum for that use, or should knowledgeable consumers insist on a higher grade or differently treated material in the power valves we purchase?
I have in no way, shape, or form "blasted" the op. I'm sorry that you feel that way. This thread went WAY off track a while ago. I asked pertinent questions from the start. Um, unlike most of the dog and pony show, I just may have some background in a foundry. Go back and read some of the crap posted. Material just doesn't present itself to humans. But, whatever. I'll be the bad guy. Obviously, I'll play along with the peanut gallery. Now, I'll go back to riding my goped on a 5 lane highway.

Joke it is, bro.


Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
While you have not directly blasted the OP, what has happend is his request for help was blasted by BS!
The guy thread was filled with crap. You just helped fuel that fire. Lets move on.......

I think I know you? Or we have at least met? Your part of the North Jersey / NY crew??
If your who I think you are? Try using your positive knowlage toward making this joke of a site less laughable!
There is certainly way too much BS over on the FB sites. Good riders need a sensible place to get reliable knowlage.
That was the vision of the X from the very begining.



Site Supporter
Sacramento Delta
Knowledge acquisition is often not linear. So, forget about a "track." So, IMHO, this thread is not "off track."

I never knew what billet really was except for the machining of the finished part aspect.

The fact that not all billet is the same and that if you start with an inferior grade billet, you get an inferior part which could possibly even be less strong than a true cast part escaped me.

And quite frankly, if people here are contemplating paying thousands of dollars for cases and other parts because they are trusting that "billet is better" I learned something from this thread.

Apparently "billet is better" cannot be true unless the manufacturer is using the best grade billet specified for the part in question and if the billet supplier (foreign or domestic) is actually supplying billet which is truly manufactured to those specifications.

Personally, I am appalled by what I learned on this forum that some aftermarket engines need to be rebuilt after 50 hours of use. That's ok if you are a sponsored rider, I get it. But not ok for an ordinary stiff like me.

Part failure threads like this educate me. And if possible, hopefully, they cause the engine manufacturers to raise their game too.
Um, and I quote directly from you, "I am appalled by what I learned on this forum that some aftermarket engines need to be rebuilt after 50 hours of use. That's ok if you are a sponsored rider, I get it. But not ok for an ordinary stiff like me. "

So, a motor running 215psi. is really gentle on the crank, right?

Go ride your lawnmower, sport. That ole gurl'll give you a few hundred, fun packed hours of use.

Maybe you should just curl up in the corner over there with the fluffy kittens, eh?


Site Supporter
Sacramento Delta
In another thread I wondered if it were the high compression or the non-stock stroking that causes these engines to wear what I consider "prematurely." Our cat merely tolerates me and the feeling is mutual. But you are right, our lawn needs mowing because I have been too busy jet skiing after work on the '93 550sx with my wife on the '94 SN SJ. The head and manifolds on the x2's 650 are at the machine shop now. So, in the meantime, I would like to learn what my next motor choice will be given the fact that we jet ski between 12 and 20 hours per week and a 50 hour rebuild requirement is simply UNACCEPTABLE !!!

Any helpful suggestions about what to buy or build or what not to buy or build?

In the meantime, I will pray for your soul that you use your knowledge for good and try to help everyone worthy you meet and are rewarded in kind in return...


Purveyor of the Biggest Brapp
Appalled? Ive heard it all, now. :)

By "aftermarket engines", you really mean "Aftermarket 10-16-20mm stroked big bore engines", almost doubling the displacement, and quadding the HP, they were "designed" to be, right?

You understand if you want it to live "forever", then leave it stock. :)

Personally, I am appalled by what I learned on this forum that some aftermarket engines need to be rebuilt after 50 hours of use. That's ok if you are a sponsored rider, I get it. But not ok for an ordinary stiff like me.


Purveyor of the Biggest Brapp
Guy buys a Nascar motor, runs it only ONE race, at 200MPH, and then complains it needs to be gone through, our outright replaced, again. The nerve of those thieving engine builders. Insert roll eyes here.
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Can we switch from appalled to flabbergasted? And the van guy can just say he's ignorant?

So, any word from the dude from Dasa? I'm interested in his opinion on this non cast billet ingot part, from area 51.

...and yeah, now I am doing it on purpose. Smile! Life could be worse. You could have a motor that repeatedly eats the same part......

You guys think Kyle will just look at pics and pass judgement, or will he want it shipped back for inspection? I'm hoping he requests the entire motor. That would make me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. (but I'm not paying for shipping.)
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