Bruins Tribute WaveRave 2012


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I did ask the desk Sunday night if they had any complaints.
I' ll call ' em tomorrow to double check.

We have to self police , they can easily change our plans for 2013 .

On a - Thank You - note ..
Nathen and his family begain a weeks "ride" there.
They cleaned the beach after we left.!!

And thanks to everyone that went the extra step ,
Selling stickers ect.
I did ask the desk Sunday night if they had any complaints.
I' ll call ' em tomorrow to double check.

We have to self police , they can easily change our plans for 2013 .

On a - Thank You - note ..
Nathen and his family begain a weeks "ride" there.
They cleaned the beach after we left.!!

And thanks to everyone that went the extra step ,
Selling stickers ect.

Awesome to hear somebody stayed and cleaned the beach afterwards. Big thanks!!!! Stuff like this will help keep this freeride going in the future.

R Hudson

My mimi hurts!!!
Waukesha, WI
I was only there for one night, but it was really cool to see the turnout. Tons of skis!!!

Now......On the other side......The guys with the air horns can leave that truck at home next year. There are people at this campground that are not with our group and things like this won't help the event continue.

The guys that were cussing and swearing at the top of their lungs all night long camped next to me......they can stay home next year too........don't know who they were but they had a green jeep...... It made my skin crawl at one point when they mentioned Kevin. I'm pretty sure I know Kevin well enough to say that this is probably not the way he would want to be honored. Like me, Kevin enjoyed a good beer and goofing around with friends. However, he was a Christian man and a family man. He would not have appreciated your language any more than I did. I feel sorry for the family with kids camped near us.

Everyone else was awesome as usual and it was great to see you all.

Fair enough. I was one of those guys in the green Jeep. I have been to a few freerides before and if there are rules to follow I follow them. However, those rules need to openly exist or be discussed in order for them to be followed. We (as a group of friends) ride hard and party hard. Do we use harsh language? He11 yes we do. We are adults and live in a world where harsh language exists. Now, if someone, ambassador for this freeride had come up to us in-person and asked us to tone down the language and the volume we would have been happy to comply. To mention this after the fact is useless and accomplishes nothing.

It is not in mine (or my friends) best interest to pi$$ everyone off wherever we go but this is the first freeride we have been to where we were criticized for doing what we (and others) do at any freeride we have ever attended.

We were not the only ones being loud. There was plenty of noise to go around. We just happened to be right next to you. You could have just said something and it would have been corrected

Perhaps in the future (and I know that this ride is not promoted heavily) it would be good to stage a meeting of sorts or even have an impromptu gathering to discuss things so it is not just a big free-for-all.
Fair enough. I was one of those guys in the green Jeep. I have been to a few freerides before and if there are rules to follow I follow them. However, those rules need to openly exist or be discussed in order for them to be followed. We (as a group of friends) ride hard and party hard. Do we use harsh language? He11 yes we do. We are adults and live in a world where harsh language exists. Now, if someone, ambassador for this freeride had come up to us in-person and asked us to tone down the language and the volume we would have been happy to comply. To mention this after the fact is useless and accomplishes nothing.

It is not in mine (or my friends) best interest to pi$$ everyone off wherever we go but this is the first freeride we have been to where we were criticized for doing what we (and others) do at any freeride we have ever attended.

We were not the only ones being loud. There was plenty of noise to go around. We just happened to be right next to you. You could have just said something and it would have been corrected

Perhaps in the future (and I know that this ride is not promoted heavily) it would be good to stage a meeting of sorts or even have an impromptu gathering to discuss things so it is not just a big free-for-all.

At one point I did yell over asking you guys to keep it down. I believe the exact response was "screw off". Maybe I should have walked over, but I could see the potential for that situation escalating quickly.

As for other people being loud and making noise......yes......they were. I heard music being played and people joking and having fun by their campfires. That stuff is all good fun and expected. What I heard coming from you guys was way over the top.

I don't run this freeride and so I guess next year we will let the masses take a vote to decide what behavior is ethical and best protects the future of this freeride. If the masses don't care about the future of the ride then maybe it's time for me to quit going to the event.

Enough said........Done with my rant now.

R Hudson

My mimi hurts!!!
Waukesha, WI
At one point I did yell over asking you guys to keep it down. I believe the exact response was "screw off". Maybe I should have walked over, but I could see the potential for that situation escalating quickly.

As for other people being loud and making noise......yes......they were. I heard music being played and people joking and having fun by their campfires. That stuff is all good fun and expected. What I heard coming from you guys was way over the top.

I don't run this freeride and so I guess next year we will let the masses take a vote to decide what behavior is ethical and best protects the future of this freeride. If the masses don't care about the future of the ride then maybe it's time for me to quit going to the event.

Enough said........Done with my rant now.

I was not aware that you had yelled over to us. If someone from our group indeed told you to "screw off" that was unfortunate and unnecessary and I apologize for that. No doubt the alcohol "enhanced" some of the words of choice, not that this is an excuse in any way.

We heard air horns followed by people from various locations yelling positively in response so we took that as being the pace of the night and utilized the old "When in Rome" protocol.

We spoke with who I understood to be regulars and nobody said anything to us or suggestednthat we keep it down. If they had we would have complied.

Since this was our first time to this event we didn' t know, nor were we told what to expect which is why I suggested some sort of rules in the future to avoid this. Nobody likes rules but perhaps the benefit of having them in place would make the weekend smoother for everyone.

For the record we had an absolute blast and you guys have a heck of a nice riding spot. Clean beach, clean water, and the weather was perfect for camping.


R Hudson

My mimi hurts!!!
Waukesha, WI
R Hudson.
Thanks for the apology. I totally understand the effects of alchohol enhanced actions:)

Well, as long as we all have a common interest it is best to get along with each other. As big as some freerides are it is still a very small sport so best to play nice :)


STL Crew
Thursday Waves!

Here is the 1st Michigan Wave Rave video from my new gopro with my Trinity Pro hood. Video leaving the boat ramp with a couple of rolls mixed in.

It is edited down, but no music. Also not in HD due to conversion in Movie Maker, but it looks ok. Working on a better HD video editing solution. Any suggestions?

STL crew will be back next year!


Godspeed #40J
Midland, MI
Thursday Waves!

Here is the 1st Michigan Wave Rave video from my new gopro with my Trinity Pro hood. Video leaving the boat ramp with a couple of rolls mixed in.

It is edited down, but no music. Also not in HD due to conversion in Movie Maker, but it looks ok. Working on a better HD video editing solution. Any suggestions?

STL crew will be back next year!

Cool video, i'm so jealous of you guys who got to ride those waves on thursday! I didnt get there until around 8pm, they looked perfect from the beach.
R Hudson.
Thanks for the apology. I totally understand the effects of alchohol enhanced actions:)

I'm in the guilty party as well...sorry fellas we didn't mean to cause such a scene. Like Rod said, we literally "go hard" in riding and partying, and I guess we went a little too hard that night in the partying. i guess that's what happens when you mix a half gallon of $15 whiskey with a half gallon of coke. We all enjoyed the ride a lot and I know I'd like to come back next year.

As far as what we were yelling, "Jesus Jets"/"Jesus Juice"/"Ski Jettin Jesus"/etc. there is quite the funny story where that comes from thanks to a redneck man at wal-mart in holland michigan. He saw all the skis and asked us "Are y'all goin ski-jettin?" We said "Yes", He followed with simply, "Praise Jesus." So the rest of the trip we just made jokes about it became the theme of the weekend for us. We are not a bunch of anti-christ a holes that just was the theme.

Again, we don't mean to cause a scene or be obnoxious a-holes, it was just one of those nights that the alcohol took control. We have all been there so we all know what thats like, from this:Banane35::beerchug: to this....:puke:
Thursday Waves!

Here is the 1st Michigan Wave Rave video from my new gopro with my Trinity Pro hood. Video leaving the boat ramp with a couple of rolls mixed in.

It is edited down, but no music. Also not in HD due to conversion in Movie Maker, but it looks ok. Working on a better HD video editing solution. Any suggestions?

STL crew will be back next year!

No fair! Those waves were perfect. Wish it could of been that way all weekend. Sweet vid. Nice rolls
Great pics, great video!! What a blast!! As far as the noise complaints it's Wave Rave, people are going to party and be loud. Jack who runs the campground tells non jet skiers that this event is taking place and warns them when they call or check in. I agree that the foul language is not needed, but if sleep is what your looking for then Wave Rave may not be for you. Jack also said he and Jan love when our group comes and has never had a problem with us as a Group.A few of us have thought about perhaps moving the date later in the year in hopes for bigger waves. What are everyone's thought on that?
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As for the partying and what not. I thought it was great. Met a bunch of great people this time. Wave rave was full of energy this year. The way i think every freeride should be. Im a christian as well and always try to be respectful. Im nothing close to perfect and do swear quite often. I appologize as well if i was to loud or cursed to much. I had a great time and wouldnt have changed anything. But hopefully next year some rules can be set so everyone can be happy. Cant wait for next year! :beerchug:


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
Thursday Waves!

Here is the 1st Michigan Wave Rave video from my new gopro with my Trinity Pro hood. Video leaving the boat ramp with a couple of rolls mixed in.

It is edited down, but no music. Also not in HD due to conversion in Movie Maker, but it looks ok. Working on a better HD video editing solution. Any suggestions?

STL crew will be back next year!

I am your solution. Send me what you got and I'll throw it into the Wave Rave vid I make in a month or so...I'll make sure to get your card back or DVD if you want it.


Site Supporter
Cleveland Ohio
As far as the partying goes... Yes, we want to be respectful of others. Yes, we want to have a good time.

So maybe we can designate one PARTY site close to the stairs to help keep it in one area and hang by a fire over there. The air horns will have to go, but if it was my first time there, I would've done the same thing. So lets, move on and keep things quiet for the other campers.

BTW...I think this was the BIGGEST WAVE RAVE ever....A couple years ago, it was down to like 47 good to see it get so huge again. I truly think Bruins would have been stoked about how it took off!
Not sure WHO is actually taking the reigns for the ride this coming year....I hit up Chuck to ask him about the date, and posted it, but he didn't make it. Lou and I have some ideas to help make sure it continues...

I guess we all just keep showing up and ripping!
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