Building my own jetski pond

I am planning on digging a pond for jetskiing in. Has anyone else done this? Any advice or ideas are welcome. I was thinking 2 or 3 acres. I would like it big enough to practice tricks and screw around in. I don't plan on doing any wide open runs in it lol. I am not sure how deep to make it. I would like to be able to try some back flips without hitting bottom so I was thinking 7 feet would be a good depth. Maybe having one side of the pond deep enough for tricks and the rest of the pond a bit shallower might work. If anyone has attempted this, how long did it take to dig? I have a 13 yard scraper so I was thinking it shouldn't take any longer then a week to dig. What did you do to keep the water level high. I was thinking I might have to dig a well or something in the bottom of the pond, unless I hit a spring which is possible in my area. I have lots of sand to make a beach. I am a farmer so land area and equipment are not an issue. I want to do this right the first time because I will not be able to add to it once it has water in it. Anyone have any tips to keep weeds from growing?

OCD Solutions

Original, Clean and Dependable Solutions
Rentz, GA
That's a dream come true for most guys on here I bet. I always said 4ft would be adequate but that was before the days of backflips and risk of nosing it in.

There was a video floating around of a home built wave generator in what looks like a small man made pond, I bet that scraper than be rigged to lift and a drop a weight to do the same... Just saying...
This is great, I've always wanted a personal ski pond. I love riding in ponds, but have only been able to do it a few times and always somewhere with stuff all over for fish beds etc.
Your depth of 7' would be plenty deep but wouldn't hurt to have 10' on a deep end for nosing in flips.
My ex's grandfather built little spring fed ponds all over his property by channeling water from nearby streams in buried pipes. It was great, always fresh clear water with sand beaches. The far end of the ponds had over flow pipes that routed the water back into the stream a little further down. Something to consider if you have springs or streams anywhere on your property. Good luck!
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Lifetime bans are AWESOME
Site Supporter
Largo, Fl
from the looks of your location I would add a heater.
They key in our climate to keep weed free is to keep the water moving in/out.

Good luck.


Super Hero, with a cape!
St. Pete, FL
I am planning on digging a pond for jetskiing in. Has anyone else done this? Any advice or ideas are welcome. I was thinking 2 or 3 acres. I would like it big enough to practice tricks and screw around in. I don't plan on doing any wide open runs in it lol. I am not sure how deep to make it. I would like to be able to try some back flips without hitting bottom so I was thinking 7 feet would be a good depth. Maybe having one side of the pond deep enough for tricks and the rest of the pond a bit shallower might work. If anyone has attempted this, how long did it take to dig? I have a 13 yard scraper so I was thinking it shouldn't take any longer then a week to dig. What did you do to keep the water level high. I was thinking I might have to dig a well or something in the bottom of the pond, unless I hit a spring which is possible in my area. I have lots of sand to make a beach. I am a farmer so land area and equipment are not an issue. I want to do this right the first time because I will not be able to add to it once it has water in it. Anyone have any tips to keep weeds from growing?

First of all, I hate you due to my level of envy.

Second of All, I have no useful advice on how to make this work.

Lastly, I am a dreamer, so I can share some ideas... I like to put lots of thought into things I will never have...
Personally, I would go smaller than a 3-acre pond. I would be trying to build a curvy moat around my property. I would use this like buoy course. It would include several ponds for flatwater tricks, adding buoys for variation in the race track and log jumps with a bypass lane. The primary flatwater pond would have a gradual beach which would control waves and allow the water to calm quicker for cleaner setup wakes. I would then use the dirt I dug up for my jet ski area to build a MX track around my jet ski area. I would have a split section in the moat so I can have 2 table top bridges that go over the moat on one side of the split but not on the other maintaining a functioning moat. The splits would be the same physical distance to allow for more competitive racing. I would also have small fingers off my ski track to allow a very shallow mud section in my MX race track. Lastly, I would have a working draw bridge capable of supporting my truck.

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
you need to do the research on pond construction. If no water table, then the pull will need to be lined with a type of clay to keep the water in, otherwise, it will just soak right in, next thing is getting water in and keeping it filled.
My buddy made a jetski pond from the dirt he used for his moto track. I'll try and post some pics and video. He keeps trout in there year round. It's pretty killer. I plan on building one in the next few years but I would like it big enough to host races and freestyle competitions for the WCWA.

He has giant lights all around the lake so you can ride all night long. He had full legit hockey boards made to play hockey in the winter.


Military Member
Fort Worth, TX
We did a show in this pond, Its one of the AMA motocross tracks here in Michigan. Id recommend just a little bigger than this. It was big enough for one rider but it took some extra planning for good setup wakes.557492_656716264338418_439689544_n.jpg1235315_10151839499358701_655640012_n.jpgIMG_2438.JPGIMG_2443.JPG

SJ Thumpa

2-3 acres should be good. I've got a smaller one that was already on my block. It's fed by a neighbours spring. Their pond is higher and there is a dam in between. Mine is pipe fed underneath the dam and has an adjustable valve to control flow. I have a dam on the other side which I plan on making higher. If doing it this way make sure you put a pipe with a valve through the outlet dam so that you can empty it every decade or so to get rid of silt etc. I was told the deeper the better for water health.
The house I bought this past August is on a pond- more than half my property is actually the pond. It's a retension pond built when the community was as the water table is very high there. It somehow connects to the river about a mile away.
Anyways, previous owner said it was about 25 feet deep. In learning back flips, I've nosed in deep enough to feel the thermal cline in the water. Not sure how deep I was, but sure felt like I was getting down there. I'd say my pond is about 2 1/2 to 3 acres, but I only own maybe .40 acres of it. I can easily ride and do back flips with that. It's maybe 50-60 feet wide, couple hundred feet long. I have started riding on my neighbors' parts of the pond now as they think it's cool.
Good luck though. It's awesome to push your ski to the backyard and ride whenever you want!

Big Kahuna

Tuscaloosa, AL
The house I bought this past August is on a pond- more than half my property is actually the pond. It's a retension pond built when the community was as the water table is very high there. It somehow connects to the river about a mile away.
Anyways, previous owner said it was about 25 feet deep. In learning back flips, I've nosed in deep enough to feel the thermal cline in the water. Not sure how deep I was, but sure felt like I was getting down there. I'd say my pond is about 2 1/2 to 3 acres, but I only own maybe .40 acres of it. I can easily ride and do back flips with that. It's maybe 50-60 feet wide, couple hundred feet long. I have started riding on my neighbors' parts of the pond now as they think it's cool.
Good luck though. It's awesome to push your ski to the backyard and ride whenever you want!

Remind me to add you to the miserable user database, None of us like you anymore!!!!!!!!!


#Itsonlymoney !!!!!
Dirty south
How many of us have asked a real estate agent to keep a look out for lakefront or "any acreage with a private pond about 2-3 acres in size"? :p

The cheapest homes i found on nice 3-5 acre pond have been in southern GA. I was working a deal 3 bed mobile on 15 acre of land, 3-4 acre pond for 60k
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