That is only your opinion. In my opinion, it
absolutely matters what someone recommends.(assuming they know what they're talking about) This business of designing your cooling system yourself is a load of crap for most of us. 99% of
us here do not have the years it takes to understand all the variables that play into what should or should not be done to insure max performance, you and me included. There are other factors besides just temp that play into what is best for each setup. Pressure regulation plays a large role also. The vast majority of the people on this board should establish a good relationship with the builder/ tuner of their choice and go with what is recommended. Whether it be Paul, Chuckie, Art, or someone else is up to each of us. That's part of what we pay them to do. Most of the advice given here is sloppy guesswork at best. But hey, go for it if you believe you're smart enough to figure it out on your own. Why reinvent the wheel if you don't have to.
Hey man you know I highly value your opinion. You have helped me out more than anyone and I can't thank you enough for that.
I agree that Art definitely knows his stuff, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a thread to discuss alternative ways.
I tend to agree with Superjett about the temps. How did Art come up with his recommendations? :dunno: I'm guessing he didn't just pull the numbers out of his a$$.
I was just trying to get a good thread going that listed people's cooling setup, restrictors, and temps that they were running.
I don't mean to be a$$hole, but the point of a forum is to discuss things. Nothing to do with you, but I get so sick and tired of people getting pissed off if someone didn't "SEARCH HARD ENOUGH FOR AN ANSWER".
Until last week I had no idea I was suppposed to run restrictors with an exhaust. I thought you just followed the FP instructions and just hooked it up. If it wasn't for cooling threads that I found I would have just hooked it all up like FP said.
Art never gave me any recommendations or put a diagram in the box of parts I ordered from him. I had to call and ask him. Don't get me wrong Art is a great guy and has really hooked me up, but anytime I call to ask him questions he sounds super busy and I always feel like I am bothering him.
There is obviously many right ways to do things, but I like to hear all options then make a decision. Just because Art, Paul, or Chucky says to do something that doesn't mean I am going to do exactly what they told me. They are all great mechanics and know farrrrrr more than I do, but it seems to me they tend to have different ways of doing things which is fine.
Personally I like to hear many different routes to take and either decide on a route to take or combine the different ways of doing things.
Just my .02:biggthumpup: