No, that does not suck. It is outright THEFT.
It is one thing to be slow building/shipping parts, but to take someone's money and LIE about when it shipped or when it will be done is horrendous.
I understand he did not have his "soon to be released" hood at the time of Wavedays, but I can see on the X that he has built plenty since then.. WTF!
Jeff, build him a damn hood or something else bad-ass that he needs! Make it right and then "stop writing checks that your business can't cash"
I TOTALY concure with the above statement in general. I cannot say I agree with everyones gripe on this or other threads without knowing details, but I TOTALY agree the WDK needs to quit doing business in the way they have in the past. I have been SOOOOO frusterated with some of my dealings with Jeff in the past and know exactly how it feels to be in that position.
I have recomended friends to buy parts from him and they got the same or simular treatment. My objective now is to try and get some good priced quality parts available without people having to deal with this CRAP.
This may or may not be a fix to the problem. I certainly feel it will help the situation or I would not be buying parts from him. We have an agreement that was put in place to attempt to get him where he belongs (designing and manufacturing parts) and improve the service at the same time.
The way I see it, the past is the past and I cannot change the issues created by his past dealings. We can change it from here on out. Dwelling on the past issues of someone else isnt helping the situation as you wont shut WDK down due to negative threads on X-H2O or he would have been gone by now, he either continues his standard practice or he improves it through a situation simular to what we are trying to create here.
You can be part of the solution or part of the problem at this point is the way I see it. I do not disagree with negative postings about problems with venders at all. Post away. But when there is a way to potentially fix it I dont see the point in slashing the possibilty and bashing the potential fix. If I had someone working for me with that type of attitude I would can them before the disease were to spread.
This may or may not work guys but the alternative is that it stays the same and people who are not on X continue buy from him via the websight and other ways and continue to get the same treatment we are all compaining about now.
Support the fix or there wont be one and there will be even more WDK bash threads to come with the same outcome as the ones we were reading 6 years ago.
It really is up to us as Jeff's policies are not going to change OLD DAWG aint gonna learn NEW TRICKS so introduce and support a new way or read about the old way 6 years from now.
Just my thoughts and figured it was only fair to share them.